In a rare moment of honesty, Mirella reveals the reason for her peace with Raissa – 10/31/2020


Drunk during the party last Friday, Mirella tried to rebuild bridges with her opponents in A Fazenda, basically all the participants who are not Juliano, Stéfani or the singer Gabriel. My previous column was about this new strategy.

On Saturday’s edition, the show featured the MC’s conversation with his biggest adversary to date, the glorious Raissa. And he was impressed by the sincerity in the direction of the conversation.

Without saying anything, he revealed that it was important to make amends for the hobby and the money with which he supports the family. The reasoning is pretty basic: after the sound car and the removal of ally Victoria, it became clear that the movie burned here and needs to change.

Everyone’s passivity drew a lot of attention. After so many tricks and quirks with Luiza Ambiel and her henchmen, it seems like she’s counting on the goodwill of former enemies.

Due to the surprising cunning of Mirella and the singer Gabriel, A Fazenda 12 is in danger of becoming a summer camp. I am very sorry: in this space we do not offer the harmony of that house.


The latest from the Finca in a debate with Aline Ramos, Fefito and Chico Barney.

We come back at any time with new information.
