In a letter to Bolsonaro, PF delegates point to ‘crisis of confidence’ and ‘instability’ for the new director


BRASILIA – In an open letter to President Jair Twitter launched this Sunday, the National Association of Delegates of the Federal police (ADPF) harshly criticized attempts to interfere with the Federal Police, noted a “crisis of confidence” in the appointment of the new director general and asked the president for a commitment to approve autonomy and the mandate for the post of head of the institution.

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The document also warns Bolsonaro that the PF’s investigations and intelligence reports are confidential and that there is no provision for the provision of daily information to the Presidency, since Bolsonaro himself admitted that he wanted to. He also says that it is not up to the institution to produce “a specific desired result” in the investigation into the stab against Bolsonaro and that the requests for investigations made by the president must respect hierarchical channels and the formalities of the public service.

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The ADPF letter symbolizes the seriousness of the moment and the accusations made by Minister Sergio Moro. The association tends to comment on such a document only at times it deems confidential. The document will be formally sent to Bolsonaro. The internal climate in the PF has been suspicious about the appointment of the new general director after the accusations made by Sergio Moro in his resignation.

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“As it happened, there is a crisis of confidence installed, both by a considerable part of society and by the delegates of the Federal Police, who value the image of the institution. No delegate wants to see the PF questioned by public opinion every time action or inaction. Nor does he want to work under a climate of internal mistrust. The context created by the exoneration of the PF command and the resignation of Minister Sérgio Moro will impose a huge challenge on the next Director: show that he was not appointed to fulfill a political mission within Therefore, there is a risk of constant instability in its management, “says an extract from the document.

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ADPF makes a comparison with the appointment of Fernando Segovia to the position of general director of the then president Michel Temer, who remained only 99 days in office and had repercussions for having minimized the record of the delivery of a suitcase of money whose final recipient would be President
“The last FP commander who took over the body in a similar context had a very short management period. Any eventual order of intervention made by the new Director General, which we believe that no delegate will do, will necessarily lead him to the same destination or even to a worse situation, “says the letter.

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Upon resigning from the post of Minister of Justice, Sergio Moro revealed that he received insistent demands from Bolsonaro that would characterize undue interference in the FP’s independence. According to Moro, Bolsonaro was concerned about the ongoing investigations in the Supreme Court and expressed interest in the PF stopping these investigations. Also according to the former minister, the president wanted the PF to provide him with intelligence reports on his work, which Moro classified as improper.

In announcing his resignation, the Minister of Justice accused the President of trying to interfere with Federal Police policy, of being
In announcing his resignation, the Minister of Justice accused the president of trying to interfere with the Federal Police’s policy, of being “concerned” about the investigations in the Supreme Court and compared autonomy with the governments of the PT

One of the questions that worries the president is that of fake news, reported by STF Minister Alexandre de Moraes, and they found evidence against the president’s allies. The Attorney General’s Office (PGR) entered on Friday with a request to open an investigation at the STF to investigate possible crimes in Bolsonaro’s conduct described by Moro, which could be obstruction of justice, administrative defense and others.

On four issues, the ADPF letter states that the president must maintain a “republican distance” from the PF after the appointment of its CEO, at the risk that his actions will be interpreted as attempts at political interference, says that the president cannot have access to confidential information of the PF, must respect the legal order to request investigations and points out that the investigation into the stab received “priority” and “full attention”.

“The legal system establishes that the investigative activities of the Federal Police are confidential and only the professionals responsible for promoting them must have access to the documents. The same applies to intelligence reports. When the PF, through its activities of intelligence, becomes aware of the facts that are relevant to government decision-making, these are shared by the Brazilian Intelligence System and follow an already established flow until reaching the institutional knowledge of the Presidency of the Republic, without legal provisions for personal and general communications and daily assignments to the agent, a role that belongs to ABIN, “says the letter.

ADPF points out that one of the functions of the Federal Police is to inspect holders of high political and economic power and the actions of the federal public administration, including the president himself.

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The document ends with a request from the PF for Bolsonaro to publicly commit that the new CEO will have full autonomy to assemble his team and carry out his work, and also asks the President to send two legislative proposals to the National Congress, one that establishes a mandate for the position of general director chosen by an internal election and another provision that requests autonomy for the FP.

“Such measures will build a less tense institutional environment and will certainly constitute a legacy of his government to Brazil, contributing to the dissipation of doubts about his intentions regarding the Federal Police,” the letter concludes.
