The Minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) Luís Roberto Barroso launches on Monday (7), in a virtual event, the book “Sem Data Venia – A look at Brazil and the world”. It will be Barroso’s first work aimed at the general public and not the legal world.
In an interview with GloboNews (see video above) this Sunday (6), Barroso commented on some excerpts from the new book, among them, the statement that one of his dreams was always “to make a better country”.
“When I was in college, in the second half of the 1970s, my concerns were how to end torture, how to end censorship, how to create democratic institutions in a country and a continent with a tradition of coups, counter-attacks and infractions. to legality. ”
“Today, mine, our concerns are how to improve the quality of education, the electoral system, how to convince government officials and society that the preservation of the environment is essential for the future of life on earth. For this reason, I consider that the quality of the public debate and our concerns have changed a lot ”, he compared.
Barroso also commented on other points in the book and on the current agenda of the Supreme Court, such as:
- the change in the STF’s understanding of imprisonment after conviction in second instance;
- a visibility of the Federal Supreme Court from the judgment of the monthly allowance and its impact on the court;
- the future ruling in the plenary session of the STF on a possible requirement for a Covid-19 vaccine.
According to a text published by the publisher, in the book, Barroso “writes for the first time to a broad, non-academic public about our most burning problems: inequality, political-ideological polarization, the loss of representativeness of parties, challenges to preserve the environment and education, structural racism and threats to freedom of expression “.
As a jurist, Barroso published books on various legal topics, including an annotated federal Constitution, works on specific points of constitutional law, and on the relationship between the Constitution and international law, for example.