The Ideb 2019, an index that evaluates the development of Brazilian basic education, published on Tuesday (15), indicates that the learning and approval of the students still perform less as the student advances in the educational system.
In 2019, Brazil reached the goal of the first years of learning (up to the 5th year) for the seventh consecutive time, since the index was created in 2005, with edition every two years. ️
But did not hit the minimum proposed for the assessment of the final years of primary school (6th through 9th grade) for the fourth time in a row.
In high school, assessment he stayed away from the goal. Since 2013, Brazilian secondary education has not reached the level of quality expected in Ideb.
Ideb 2019: the bars in red indicate the grades obtained in the 2019 edition; gray bars are the target of each cycle. – Photo: Infografia / G1
Ideb is an acronym for the Basic Education Development Index, prepared by the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), of the Ministry of Education (MEC).
Evaluates the evolution of learning in the country. The objective is to lead Brazil to achieve the same average content of students from developed countries (OECD). On a scale of zero to 10, the goal is to get to 6.
But there are different deadlines for each stage. We should arrive at 6 until 2021 for the first years of primary school (we are at 5.9); until 2025 for the last years (we reached 4.9); and until 2028 for high school (we are at 4.2).
Every biennium, the MEC establishes intermediate goals to reach the final objective on time.
Public and private network
- Initial years (1 to 5 years)
The Inep data show that, in the first years of primary school (1st to 5th year), the private network did not reach the goal proposed for 2019. Private schools represent 19.2% of the enrollment in this teaching stage. However, when observing the state data, it is possible to observe that in 15 of them the private networks had an Ideb equal to or greater than 7. Another 8 reached the goal.
In state network, which has 16% of the registrations, Brazil exceeded the overall goal, with a score of 6.1 and a target of 5.9.
In municipal network, 61.9% reached the goal on the first years. The Ideb indicates that Brazil has 13,248 schools with an Ideb equal to or higher than 6. In the state of São Paulo, 77.9% of municipal schools have a score equal to or higher than 6, the best index in the country, followed by Paraná (73.5%) and Santa Catarina (71.2%)
- Senior years (6th to 9th grade)
In public network for the final years of elementary school (sixth through ninth grade), Brazil did not reach the goal 5 for this year, reaching a rating of 4.6. Only 23.1% of the municipalities reached the proposed evaluation. In 23 states, less than half of the cities scored well in this stage of education.
However, the Ideb report notes that networks have improved their performance over time, which is equivalent to an increase of 1.4 points since 2005. In the 2019 assessment, 631 cities had Ideb equal to or greater than 5, 5; and 373 had Ideb up to 3.4, which is considered low.
Looking only at the state network, which has 49.2% of registrations in this cycle, 22.8% achieved the proposed goal. In the municipal network, the rate is 29%.
In private network, private schools did not meet the goal from 7.1 to 2019, remaining at 6.4. This network concentrates 15.4% of enrollment in the last years of primary school.
Evaluation of primary education, by state
In the 2019 edition, 24 states achieved (21) or exceeded (3) the target proposed for the first years of primary school. But only 7 can reach or exceed the goal in 6th to 9th grade of the same cycle.
- Initial years (1 to 5 years)
Among the youngest children, two states and Mexico City did not meet the proposed 2019 goal.
Ideb 2019, by state, first cycle of primary school (1st to 5th year) – Photo: Infeografia / G1
- Below target: AP, DF, RJ
- Goal reached: ES, MG, RO
- Acima da goal: AC, AL, AM, BA, CE, GO, MA, MS, MT, PA, PB, PR, PE, PI, RN, RS, RR, SC, SE, SP, TO
Amapá and Rio de Janeiro continue with rates lower than those established. In the previous edition, in 2017, they had not reached the goal either. In 2019, DF remained below target, as in the previous edition.
According to data from Inep, Alagoas and Ceará had the greatest advances in all the Ideb editions. Amapá, Pará and Santa Catarina have evolved little during the period.
- Senior years (6th to 9th grade)
Brazil missed the goal of the final years of high school for the fourth time in a row. There are 19 states and the DF with evaluation below the objective. GO and PR stand out, reaching the goal. AL, AM, CE, PE and PI had good evaluations in their teaching systems.
Ideb 2019 primary school (6th to 9th grade) – Photo: Infografia / G1
- Above goal: AL, AM, CE, PE, PI
- Goal reached: GO, PR
- Abaixo da meta: AC, AP, BA, DF, ES, MA, MS, MT, MG, PA, PB, RN, RS, RJ, RO, RR, SC, SE, SP, TO