SÃO PAULO – Ibovespa Futuro opens in decline this Wednesday (14) after the 1% increase in the cash index the previous day. The discontinuation of testing on the coronavirus vaccine and medication developed by Johnson & Johnson and Eli Lilly continues to weigh on the market.
Here, the plenary session of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) decides the release of drug trafficker André do Rap, from the First Capital Command (PCC). André was released through a precautionary measure granted by Minister Marco Aurélio Mello and suspended by the President of the Court, Minister Luiz Fux.
At 09h13 (Brasilia time), the future index for October had a slight increase of 0.2%, at 98,290 points.
The dollar of futures maturing in November registered slight gains of 0.1%, at R $ 5.58.
In the future interest market, the ID of January 2022 falls two basis points to 3.21%, the ID of January 2023 falls three basis points to 4.56%, the ID of January 2025 has a drop of two basis points at 6.40% and the ID of January 2027 registered a negative variation of four basis points at 7.34%.
The government has extended until the end of the year the program that allows the employer to reduce the employee’s working hours and wages, and has made changes to the driver’s license rules.
Among the indicators, the volume of services provided grew 2.9% in August compared to July, in the seasonally adjusted series, according to data from the Monthly Survey of Services, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). It was the third consecutive positive rate, accumulating an increase of 11.2% in the period.
Abroad, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is under pressure to re-implement a national quarantine in the country due to increasing cases of the coronavirus.
Johnson resists, opting for more drastic measures only in some parts of the country because the local Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the second quarter of the year was one of the most affected by the economic crisis generated by the outbreak among the main markets of the globe. .
Another factor that contributes to the caution of the markets is the delay in the approval of a new financial package in the United States, aimed at alleviating the effects of the coronavirus on the economy.
The latest $ 3 billion package was approved in May. Last week, the Trump administration even said it would not discuss a new package until the November 3 election. However, he changed his tone and submitted an offer of 1.8 trillion dollars on Friday (9).
Nancy Pelosi, a representative of the Democratic Party, which has a majority in Congress, said, however, that the terms of the package do not address major concerns.
Still on Friday, Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammil wrote on Twitter that “it is especially worrying that there is no agreement on a strategic plan to end the virus.” Since then, there have been no major signs of progress on the proposal.
Reduction of hours and wages
President Jair Bolsonaro signed a decree Tuesday night that expands the program that authorizes companies to reduce or suspend the hours and wages of employees. The measure was instituted through an interim measure in April and has been extended since then. The new extension maintains the scheme until at least December 31.
Economy Minister Paulo Guedes had already announced that the benefit would be expanded.
In addition, President Jair Bolsonaro approved the bill that modifies the Brazilian Traffic Code, presented by the government itself. The new law punishes light and medium fines only with a warning if the driver is not a repeat offender in the last 12 months, and increases the validity of the CNH (National Driver’s License) to ten years.
In addition, the law increases from 20 to 40 the maximum limit of points that the driver can accumulate before the CNH is suspended, provided that the points are not due to at least one very serious infraction in the last 12 months.
The newspaper Folha de S. Paulo prints as a cover story the news that members of the top summit of the Ministry of Economy accumulate profits with positions in state companies, to the point that some of them receive more than R $ 39.3 thousand, the top of the public function. .
The earnings are inflated with the payment of jetons, that is, the remuneration to those who participate in the boards of state companies. This benefit is not considered a salary and is not formally accounted for to verify whether public officials have exceeded the maximum limit of the public function. Folha highlights that the administrative reform project discussed by the government does not change the rules on the collection of fees.
Stock offerings on the rise
The value of the Initial Public Offerings (IPO) in the Brazilian market is already R $ 94.1 billion until October 9, surpassing, nominally, 4.5 billion, all the financing in 2019.
In October alone, there were four offers, in addition to 34 in the rest of the year. There are five other IPO deals in progress and major deals are likely to launch this year. Among them, that of the Rede D’Or hospital, estimated between R $ 7.5 billion and R $ 10 billion, and that of BV, of R $ 5 billion, as Valor highlights.
In addition, a survey conducted by the newspaper in 24 capitals indicates that mayors managed to increase investments, which totaled R $ 5.06 billion between January and August. It’s a 34% increase in real terms, compared to the same period in 2019. The investment spike typically occurs in an election year, and it was no exception in 2020, even with the pandemic.
The news of the day is again marked by the case of the leader of the PCC André do Rap, leader of the PCC (First Command of the Capital) faction. He was released on Saturday morning (10), with a habeas corpus granted by the Minister of the Federal Supreme Court, Marco Aurélio Mello. Hours later, the president of the STF, Luiz Fux, reversed the decision and ordered André do Rap to return to prison.
But the criminal leader has been on the run ever since. The STF begins judging on Wednesday whether to uphold Fux’s decision to overthrow Marco Aurélio Mello.
Corporate radar
On Tuesday night, Ecorodovias reported that consolidated traffic on the highways under his administration fell 10.8% in the period from March 16 to October 11, compared to the same period in 2019, when the country was seen affected. for the new coronavirus pandemic.
In addition, the president of Visa told Reuters on Tuesday afternoon that he is selling fraud prevention services to PIX participants, something that should increase his revenue. And CEB (Companhia Elétrica de Brasília), controlled by the Federal District government, said shareholders approved on Tuesday the sale of 100% of the shares of its distributor CEB-D.
Petrobras, for its part, announced that it had set the price of the new issuance of securities for an amount of US $ 1,000 million, through the subsidiary Petrobras Global Finance. The issuance will be made through global notes at 5.6% maturing in 2031. Interest must be paid between January 3 and July 3 of each year, starting in 2021.
The transaction, which will be carried out by the wholly owned subsidiary Petrobras Global Finance, is produced through the reopening of the PGF 5.60% Global Notes, the company added in a statement Tuesday night.
“The funds raised through this issuance will be consolidated with the US $ 1.5 billion issued on May 27, 2020, forming a single series of US $ 2.5 billion,” Petrobras said in the statement.
The net proceeds from the operation will be used for payments in a securities buyback offer announced the previous day, while the surplus will be used “for general corporate purposes,” he added. According to Petrobras, the bonds will have an investor yield of 4.4% per year.
Petrobras said yesterday that its bond repurchase offer, which expires October 18, will involve spending up to a total of up to $ 2 billion.
(With Bloomberg and Agência Estado)
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