Ibope survey in Rio: Paes, 53%; Crivella, 23% | 2020 elections in Rio de Janeiro


According to Ibope, the voting intentions of former mayor Eduardo Paes are more pronounced as the household income of those interviewed increases: among those with an income of more than 5 times the minimum wage, they obtain 63% against 47% of those who have income up to 1 minimum wage. .

In addition, the survey says, Paes stands out among the youngest (16 to 24 years) and older (55 years and over), in both with 61% of the mentions. Among Catholics it has 64% and, among those who value the current municipal administration as bad / very bad, it reaches 68% of citations.

Ibope points out that Crivella stands out among men (31%), among those between 35 and 44 years old (31%), among evangelicals (45%) and among those who value his municipal management as excellent / good. (77%).

The percentage of valid votes for each candidate corresponds to the proportion of the candidate’s votes over the total votes, excluding white, invalid and undecided votes. A candidate is elected if he obtains 50% plus one of the valid votes in the official count.

The survey was commissioned by TV Globo.
