According to Ibope, the voting intentions of former mayor Paes are accentuated according to the increase in income and education of those surveyed. The candidate reaches 40% among voters with a family income above five times the minimum wage and 20% among those with up to one minimum wage. Among those with higher education, it has 34%, while the mentions are lower (17%) among those with only primary education. According to Ibope, the DEM candidate seems to be less powerful among those 35 to 44 years old and among evangelicals.
Also according to Ibope, the current mayor Crivella stands out among evangelicals (26%) and among voters with primary education – he reaches 20% of the responses, compared to 7% for those with higher education.
The survey also asked whom voters would not vote for at all. The percentages were as follows:
- Crivella: 57%
- Clarissa Garotinho: 38%
- Eduardo Paes: 32%
- Benedita da Silva: 24%
- Cyro García: 15%
- Paulo Messina: 9%
- Mello flag: 8%
- Martha Rocha: 8%
- Fred Light: 7%
- Glory of Heloiza: 6%
- Henrique Simonard: 6%
- Luiz Lima: 6%
- Renata Souza: 6%
- Suêd Haidar: 5%
- Don’t know / didn’t answer: 7%
- You could vote for all: 1%
Ibobe, Rio de Janeiro, 2/10: rejection – Photo: Playback / TV Globo
Ibope also took care of spontaneous voting intention, when the voter says who he will vote for without presenting the names of the candidates. See the results:
- Eduardo Paes: 14%
- Crivella: 6%
- Benedita da Silva: 2%
- Martha Rocha: 1%
- Others: 3%
- White / null: 34%
- Don’t know / didn’t answer: 40%
The survey was commissioned by TV Globo.
- Margin of error: 3 percentage points more or less
- Who was heard: 805 voters in the city of Rio de Janeiro
- When the survey was conducted: between September 30 and October 2
- Identification number in the Electoral Tribunal: RJ-08365/2020
- The confidence level used is 95%. This means that there is a 95% probability that the results reflect the current electoral moment, considering the margin of error.
See who are the candidates for mayor of Rio in the 2020 elections