Ibope Recife: João Campos rises ten points and reaches 33% of the voting intentions


RIO – Leader in the polls for voting intentions, João Campos (PSB) distanced himself from the other candidates in the race for the city of Recife, according to Ibope. According to a poll published Thursday, the candidate jumped from 23% to 33%. Son of the former Pernambuco governor Eduardo Campos, João is 26 years old and is a federal deputy for the state.

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In second place, Mendonça Filho (DEM) went from 18% to 19%. The candidate Marília Arraes (PT) remained in the third place, with 14%, and the Delegate Patrícia (Pode) remained in the fourth, with a jump from 11 to 13%.

Ibope River:Paes leads with 30%, followed by Crivella (12%), Martha Rocha (8%) and Benedita (7%)

The survey was commissioned by TV Globo and “Jornal do Commercio” and was carried out between October 13 and 15. 1001 voters from the city of Recife were heard. All figures have a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

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Charbel (Novo) and Thiago Santos (UP) had less than 1% of voting intentions. Victor Assis (PCO) was not mentioned in the survey.

Ibope also simulated voting for the second round. See what each match looks like:

– João Campos 44% X 39% Patrícia Patrícia. White / Null: 15%. Don’t know / didn’t answer: 2%

– João Campos 44% x 33% Marília Arraes. White / Null: 21%. Don’t know / didn’t answer: 2%

– João Campos 48% x 33% Mendonça Filho. White / Null: 18%. Don’t know / didn’t answer: 2%

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According to Ibope, Campos is tied with Mendonça Filho and Colonel Feitosa at the top of the ranking of the most rejected candidates. See the full list:

  • João Campos (PSB): 28%
  • Mendonça Filho (DEM): 28%
  • Colonel Feitosa (PSC): 28%
  • Charbel (Novo): 22%
  • Carlos (PSL): 21%
  • Victor Assis (PCO): 21%
  • Thiago Santos (UP): 21%
  • Marília Arraes (PT): 19%
  • Marco Aurélio Meu Amigo (PRTB): 18%
  • Claudia Ribeiro (PSTU): 15%
  • Patrícia Patrícia (Podemos): 14%
  • Could vote for all (spontaneous response): 2%
  • Don’t know / didn’t answer: 7%