The Ibope poll published by NSC TV this Saturday (14) indicates the following valid voting intention percentages for the city of Florianópolis in the 2020 elections:
- Gean Loureiro (DEM): 62%
- Professor Elson (PSOL): 16%
- Pedrão (PL): 10%
- Angela Amin (PP): 9%
- Alexander Brazil (PRTB): 1%
- Dr. Ricardo (Solidarity): 1%
- Helio Bairros (Patriot): 1%
- Orlando (new): 1%
- Gabriela Santetti (PSTU): 0%
- Jair Fernandes (PCO): not mentioned
The percentage of valid votes of each candidate corresponds to the proportion of the candidate’s votes over the total votes, excluding white, invalid and undecided votes. A candidate is elected in the 1st round if he obtains 50% plus one of the valid votes in the official count.
Questions whose percentage sums do not add up to 100% are due to rounding or multiple answers.
Regarding valid votes from the previous Ibope survey, on November 2:
- Gean Loureiro went from 64% to 62%;
- Professor Elson went from 14% to 16%;
- Pedrão went from 7% to 10%;
- Angela Amin went from 10% to 9%;
- Alexander Brasil went from 2% to 1%;
- Dr. Ricardo went from 0% to 1%;
- Helio Bairros remained at 1%;
- Orlando stayed at 1%;
- Gabriela Santetti went from 1% to 0%;
- Jair Fernandes was 0% for not mentioned.
Total votes (includes undecided, blank and null)
- Gean Loureiro (DEM): 57%
- Professor Elson (PSOL): 15%
- Pedrão (PL): 9%
- Angela Amin (PP): 8%
- Alexander Brazil (PRTB): 1%
- Dr. Ricardo (Solidarity): 1%
- Helio Bairros (Patriot): 1%
- Gabriela Santetti (PSTU): 0%
- Orlando (new): 0%
- Jair Fernandes (PCO): not mentioned
- White / Null: 4%
- Don’t know / No answer: 3%
Regarding Total votes in the previous Ibope survey, on November 2:
- Gean Loureiro went from 58% to 57%;
- Professor Elson went from 13% to 15%;
- Pedrão went from 6% to 9%;
- Angela Amin went from 9% to 8%;
- Alexander Brasil remained at 1%;
- Dr. Ricardo went from 0% to 1%;
- Helio Bairros remained at 1%;
- Gabriela Santetti went from 1% to 0%;
- Orlando went from 1% to 0%;
- Jair Fernandes was 0% for not being mentioned;
- Blank / null was 6% to 4%;
- I don’t know / didn’t answer if it stayed at 3%.
See previous Ibope survey, November 2
Check the Ibope survey in Florianópolis on October 5
Ibope also ran second-round simulations among the top three ranked candidates in the previous poll, on November 2. Check out:
Gean Loureiro x Professor Elson
- Gean Loureiro: 66%
- Professor Elson: 26%
- White / Null: 5%
- Don’t know / No answer: 3%
Gean Loureiro x Angela Amin
- Gean Loureiro: 70%
- Angela Amin: 16%
- White / Null: 10%
- Don’t know / No answer: 4%
The poll also asked who voters would not vote for at all. The percentages were as follows:
- Angela Amin: 45%
- Gean Loureiro: 14%
- Professor Elson: 14%
- Alexander Brazil: 13%
- Gabriela Santetti: 11%
- Helio neighborhoods: 11%
- Orlando: 11%
- Jair Fernandes: 10%
- Pedrão: 9%
- Dr. Ricardo: 7%
- I could vote for all: 3%
- Don’t know / didn’t answer: 16%
Respondents could indicate more than one answer, so the sum of the mentioned factors is more than 100%.
- Margin of error: 3 percentage points more or less
- Who was heard: 805 voters
- When the survey was conducted: November 12-13, 2020
- The research was commissioned by NSC Comunicação
- Registered in the Regional Electoral Court under protocol No. SC – 00237/2020.
The confidence level used is 95%. This means that there is a 95% probability that the results reflect the current electoral moment, considering the margin of error.
- Electoral polls: what is a sample, margin of error and level of confidence
See the responses of the candidates for mayor of Florianópolis on issues relevant to the city
It works like this: Elections 2020
See more state news about G1 SC