Ibope highlights Manuela’s leadership in Porto Alegre and dispute over the vacancy on matchday 2


SAO PAULO – The first Ibope poll carried out on the election in Porto Alegre (RS) shows a favoritism of the former deputy and mayoral candidate Manuela D’Avila (PCdoB) and a miscegenation for the second and third place in the poll. Taking into account the three-point margin of error, today it is not possible to say who the candidates are for these positions.

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Manuela leads the first survey on the succession of Rio Grande do Sul with 24% of voting intentions. Then there are José Fortunati (PTB), with 14%, Sebastião Melo (MDB), with 11%, Mayor Nelson Marchezan Júnior (PSDB), 9%, Juliana Brizola (PDT), 5%, João Derly (Republicans), 4 %, Fernanda Melchionna (PSOL) and Valter Nagelstein (PSD), both with 3%. Gustavo Paim (PP) and Julio Flores (PSTU) were mentioned by 1%.

The Porto Alegre election has a very fragmented candidacy. In all, 13 candidates are running for mayor this year. It is the largest number of candidates in the history of elections in the city.

They are divided into three well-defined ideological blocks. Manuela is the main leader of the left. For the first time, the PT did not present a candidate for mayor. Among the representatives of the political center are Fortunati and Melo. On the conservative right, Marchezan appears, disputing space for Bolsonarism with Paim and Nagelstein.

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The mayor of Rio Grande do Sul starts the campaign having to defend himself from an accusation process at the City Council. Marchezan has the highest rejection among competitors (37%). They are followed by Manuela (28%) and Fortunati (15%).

The first debate between the candidates last week showed that the nationalization of the campaign is not necessary at this start of the dispute. The central theme of the candidates was the city and its problems.

The poll polled 805 voters between September 29 and October 5. She was hired by RBS Participações. Blank, null, and no response totaled 24%.
