I want a director in the FP with more affinity with me, Bolsonaro said, according to Valeixo – 11/05/2020


Police chief Mauricio Valeixo, former head of the Federal Police, said, during the deposition given this morning, at the corporation’s headquarters in Curitiba, that President Jair Bolsonaro told him that he had nothing “against him”, but that he wanted a CEO with whom he had more “affinity”. The confidence man of former minister Sergio Moro in the investigation into the president’s alleged interference with the PF began at 10:10 a.m. and it’s not over yet.

Valeixo’s testimony was scheduled for Monday morning, after the determination of the Federal Supreme Court Minister Celso de Mello, rapporteur of the investigation investigating the charges made by Moro to Bolsonaro when he announced his departure from the government. The Dean responded to the request of the Attorney General Augusto Aras and also determined the audience of four other delegates, three ministers and the deputy Carla Zambelli.

Delegates Ricardo Saadi, former head of the PF in Rio, and the director of the Brazilian Intelligence Agency Alexandre Ramagem Rodrigues are also scheduled for today. The testimonies are scheduled for 3 pm in the corporate headquarters building in Brasilia.
