‘I thought I was going to work, but where is everyone?’


Babu Santana was one of the most popular participants in “BBB 20” and was so fondly surprised when he left the house. However, the actor did not expect to move from one confinement to another, as he had to be quarantined in the face of the new coronavirus pandemic.

“At first, I was terrified. With such popularity, I thought I was going to work, but where are they all? You can’t crowd,” Babu joked, in an interview with “É de Casa.”

“I was breaking my head. But it is good with this wave of lives, I am using all my talent behind the camera. I have a quarantined partner here with me and a neighbor, we keep trying to work,” he explains. “I am learning to work through the Internet, I ask for patience because the father is analog. We will return with a channel on YouTube, I will work with my band, we are rehearsing through the Internet,” he reveals.

Babu also says that he did not have the opportunity to see his youngest daughter, Piná. “I managed to speak to my children, they came here, but they had to return for security reasons. The little one is from the risk group, asthmatic, I didn’t even see him,” he laments.

The actor still says he is getting used to popularity after the show. “It was strange and great at the same time. I entered Babu, I left and I am the great dad, with a dance and everything. Yesterday I spoke with Gabigol and he was the best, he is a good person,” he celebrates. And the actor also says that he should have opportunities within Globo. “I will probably work at home there, I am waiting for contacts,” he promises.
