“I am Eduardo’s son, but I am not just that,” says João Campos.


“He is my father, but I want to build my life, to be able to walk my way”, says João Campos (PSB), candidate for the Prefecture of Recife on Saturday of the Twitter carried out in partnership with Folha de S.Paulo.

Son of the former Pernambuco governor Eduardo Campos, who died in a plane crash in the 2014 presidential campaign, lists his father and great-grandfather Miguel Arraes as “political references.”

Arraes’ legacy is the subject of intense local dispute, even within the family: João Arraes disputes the position with his cousin, Marília Arraes (PT), with whom he has been at odds since 2008.

“I hope we can understand that our differences are much smaller than our convergences”, João Campos said about the situation of the festivals in the capital of Pernambuco.

The candidate assures that, since last year, he has had a very intense dialogue between the legends to discuss at the national level how politics should interpret the pandemic scenario. “The economic and social crisis was not enough, there is an unprecedented health crisis.”

The candidate for the prefecture of Recife claims to be a progressive, center-left who defends the fight against inequality as a central agenda. “What bothers me is a binary discussion that Brazil has had in a low way,” he said.

“This excessive polarization takes away the depth of the debate and what happened in 2018, when the problems of Brazil were not discussed,” he adds.

Popular credit and public safety

One of Campos’ campaign proposals is the loan of R $ 3,000, with a four-month grace period, to more than 10,000 families a year. The objective is to make formalization feasible, since, to receive credit, people must open a National Registry of Legal Persons – CNPJ.

“Next year, as soon as the health and pandemic challenge is resolved, employment and income will be core challenges,” he said. Depending on the candidate, the values ​​will also be available to negative people.

In matters of public security, Campos opposes the decision to arm the guard. “This is not the central axis of security, I think the municipality should have a much more preventive role,” he said.

His proposal, he says, is to build a “welcoming, democratic, accessible, well-lit city that creates opportunities.” “Prevention can play a much more important role than repression,” he said. “Many people think that security is linked to weapons and I do not agree with that,” he adds.

Research leader

With 23% of the voting intentions, João Campos leads the Ibope poll published last 02. They are followed by Mendonça Filho (DEM), who has 19%, and Marília Arraes (PT), with 14%.

As the margin of error is three percentage points more or less, Campos and Mendonça Filho are technically tied. The DEM candidate is also tied with Marília.

White and null represented 22%. 7% did not respond or said they did not know who they would vote for.
