Huck meets with Moro and steps up talks by 2022


While the elections of 2022 do not arrive, the television presenter Luciano Huck moves from left to right in search of articulation for an eventual candidacy for the Presidency of the Republic. In recent months, Huck met with the governor of Maranhão, Flávio Dino (PCdoB), politicians, researchers and representatives of business sectors. The most recent meeting took place with the former Minister of Justice and former Lava Jato judge, Sérgio Moro, and was viewed with reservations by the advisers and articulators of Huck’s electoral project.

The group that accompanies the presenter’s movements sees Moro as a name still closely linked to the right. Although he broke with President Jair Bolsonaro, his recent stint in the federal government could take away the centrist character that Huck’s supporters wanted to give to a possible candidacy. The meeting between the two, which took place on the 30th in Moro’s apartment in Curitiba, was revealed yesterday by the Folha de S.Paulo newspaper. Estadão confirmed that they had lunch together.

The president of Citizenship, former deputy Roberto Freire, who has already opened the doors of the party to Huck and attracted leaders of renewal movements, told the Status that he already knew that Huck would meet Moro. He defended the dialogue, despite the political differences he has with the former judge, and said that the priority for 2022 should be to fight against Bolsonaro.

“(Is an eventual union between Huck and Moro) problematic? Of course, but (the debate) has to start now so that people have time to convince themselves that it is important to join the democratic oppositions against Bolsonarism. See what the United States has done. I don’t see convergence between my party and Moro, but I prefer the Lavajatista right to that of Bolsonaro. If the person wants to integrate, we cannot exclude him because of the companies he was with, ”he said.

Not all politicians who have had contact with Huck think this way. Also a defender of a democratic front to confront Bolsonarism in 2022, Flávio Dino said Huck “blows up bridges” by approaching Moro. “There is a deep rejection of Moro in politics and in the legal world. He is seen as extremist and bad-tempered. Whoever joins him explodes bridges and ceases to be a binder, ”he said.

This Sunday 8, before commenting on the meeting between Huck and Moro, Dino posted on Twitter a criticism of the former minister for recording a video in defense of Captain Wagner (PROS), candidate for mayor of Fortaleza, accused by Governor Camilo Santana (PT ) to have encouraged the police riot in February. Moro records a video of an extremist riot leader. His attempt to reinvent himself as a benchmark for the ‘center’ started very badly, ”he wrote. Wagner denies encouraging the unrest and says he acted to end the strike.

The governor of Maranhão is one of Huck’s main left-wing interlocutors, he has already been appointed as a possible runner-up with the presenter and publicly defended the rapprochement between the global and former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, of which he is an ally.


The encounter between Huck and Moro also had a negative impact on members of movements for political renewal, such as RenovaBR and Agora !, sponsored by Huck. These groups try to maintain a nonpartisan character, receiving members from different political spectrum, and they think that Moro’s identification with the right could make it difficult to spread this flag. In a note, RenovaBR, which has Huck on the Advisory Council, said the presenter’s “private political affairs” “do not concern or affect the work” of the group.

Wanted, Moro and Huck did not respond until the conclusion of this issue.

In September, Estadão showed that, during the pandemic, Huck intensified talks with politicians towards 2022. At an event at the Associação Comercial de São Paulo on 22 of that month, he was asked if he had “the courage” to be a candidate for president. “I’m here,” he replied. The statement contradicted previous comments in which the presenter avoided objectively indicating whether he intends to be a candidate.

The presenter has spoken with various political currents, but has avoided being assertive about his political future. Huck’s allies fear that once the candidacy is official and he joins an acronym, the presenter will lose space on television and among groups in society that do not want to associate with a particular political group.

The information is from the newspaper The State of S. Paulo.

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