how was the first round of the elections


The first round of the municipal elections, which took place this Sunday (15), was marked by instabilities in the e-Title application, crowds in some polling places and an attempted attack on the website of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE).

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As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, this year the voting time was extended: it began at 7 a.m., with the first three hours being preferred for people over 60, and ended at 5 p.m. According to the TSE, 147.9 million voters were expected throughout the day.


The Ministry of Justice and Public Security reported, in a bulletin released at 3:00 p.m. this afternoon, that 1,062 acts of electoral crimes were registered in the first round of the municipal elections. Of this total, 224 corresponded to vote buying and 471 to the polls.

Among the electoral crimes, acts of disobedience to the orders of the Electoral Justice were also registered (178); concentration of voters (44); fake news (27); voter transportation (59); disorder that hampered electoral work (34); ideological falsehood (3); impediment or embarrassment to vote (18) abandonment of the electoral service (3).

Also according to the ministry, 33 crimes were reported against candidates. Among the occurrences, 22 per threat; four for attempted murder; six bodily injury cases and one candidate homicide record.

As of 5 p.m. Sunday, 72 candidates were arrested or detained. 715 similar cases were also registered with voters. Another 18 children under the age of 18 were arrested. In total, 1,550 incidents were recorded as of 5:00 pm. Those classified as “common crimes related to the elections” total 259. As for “indications of misinformation about the electoral process”, there are 48. There were still 148 records of public security incidents near the voting centers. “

Attempt to attack the TSE website

The president of the Superior Electoral Court, Minister Luis Roberto Barroso, said at a press conference held this Sunday afternoon in Brasilia that the website of the Court was the target of an attack that tried to bring down the TSE website. There was a simultaneous access orchestration to bring down the system, which was neutralized and had no impact, according to Barroso.

Asked about possible new advances, especially during the vote, the president of the TSE guaranteed that “there is no risk for the reliable result of the elections.” Barroso argued that the court did everything in its power to avoid problems and that the court teams remain vigilant. According to Barroso, “it is almost certain” that the attack came from outside the country.

Replaced urns

The Superior Electoral Court also reported that 1,700 ballot boxes had to be replaced throughout the country, which corresponds to 0.38% of the total of 400,257 ballot boxes. According to the TSE, there was no evidence of the need for a printed vote.

According to the figures, São Paulo remained the state with the highest number of polls replaced, with 315 until the information was updated. It was followed by Rio de Janeiro, which had 295 ballot boxes exchanged, and Minas Gerais, with 207. The replacement of the ballots is foreseen in the Court’s procedures to guarantee the continuity of the vote. In total, the country has 51,997 contingency polls for these situations.

Instability in the electronic title

Throughout the day, voters from different states reported instability in the operation of the e-Title application, which replaces the printed electoral roll and allows verifying information such as polling place, polling station and zone, in addition to justifying the absence.

Among the complaints, users say they cannot download the application, consult the electoral zone or complete the justification operation. The technical area of ​​the TSE previously reported that there could be a momentary instability in the use of the application due to excess access. According to the agency, as of 8:30 am this Sunday, about 400,000 voters had already justified the absence by the application.

The president of the TSE, Minister Luís Roberto Barroso, commented on the instability in the use of E-Title during a press conference this afternoon. Barroso affirmed that the application has worked for its main functionality, the identification of voters, but admitted instability for the justification of the absence and consultation of the voting table.

When answering questions, the president of the TSE affirmed that the difficulties faced are related to an embezzlement in the system. According to him, following a recent hacker attack on the STJ, the Electoral Justice technology adopted measures to strengthen security. One of the strategies was to remove the air from one of the two TSE servers to back up information and prevent unauthorized access. According to Barroso, the closure of this server “affected the optimal performance of E-Title”; Despite this, he defended that “the system is working, but it is not giving rise to demand.”

Personalities who voted and what they said

President Jair Bolsonaro traveled from Brasilia to Rio de Janeiro early in the morning. Accompanied by members of the Office of Institutional Security of the Presidency of the Republic, the Army and the Military Police, Bolsonaro took only 10 minutes to vote. Some supporters of the president were at the scene and took photos with him, but there were no crowds. The president did not comment to the press.

Former presidents Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Michel Temer also voted in the morning: Temer in São Paulo and Lula in São Bernardo do Campo (SP). Both appeared at their polling stations before 10 in the morning, within the hours recommended by the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) for people over 60 years old and who are part of the Covid-19 risk group. After the vote, the PT took selfies with pollsters and said it believed the PT will “come out stronger” from the elections, even “after a lot of people bet on the end” of the party.

Former Lava Jato judge and former Justice Minister Sergio Moro voted late in the morning in Curitiba and avoided commenting on his political future. “It is not a problem for today,” he said. Several supporters of the Clube Duque de Caxias approached Moro and told reporters that the pandemic showed how important it is to have good managers.

“We saw in this pandemic how important it was for you to have good managers to try to stop the spread of the pandemic and also seek the recovery of the economy. So, it is time for people to be attentive to looking for the correct, honest people, I think it is presupposed and then to make the decisions for the proposals, the projects, ”said the former Bolsonaro minister.

In Rio de Janeiro, Marcelo Crivella (Republicans), current mayor of Rio de Janeiro and a candidate for reelection, said this Sunday morning (15) that the support that President Jair Bolsonaro gave him “was very great.” “The president had gigantic courage in supporting Crivella, when the PSL had Luiz Lima,” Crivella said after voting this morning at the Sérgio Buarque Municipal School of the Netherlands, in Barra da Tijuca.

For his part, Eduardo Paes (DEM), designated by the polls as the favorite for the election, criticized Marcelo Crivella, when voting this morning at a club located in São Conrado. On the occasion, Paes affirmed that the current mayor of Rio de Janeiro “destroyed the city.”

In São Paulo, the Republican candidate for mayor of São Paulo, Celso Russomanno, voted at 11 a.m. at a school in the Morumbi region, south of São Paulo, and gave speeches highlighting the difficulties his campaign had during these elections. but he said he believed he would still go to the second round. “

Psol’s candidate for mayor of São Paulo, Guilherme Boulos, voted around 10:40 am at the PUC, in the Perdizes neighborhood. In a quick speech to journalists, Boulos said that in a possible second round, with the same time in electoral time and debates in all the big television networks, he will be in a better position to turn the results of the polls, which point to favoritism of Mayor Bruno Covas (PSDB) ”.

Mayor Bruno Covas, nominated as a favorite at the polls, went to the house of Governor João Doria (PSDB), in Jardim Europa, and from there they walked together to the College where the executive president of São Paulo votes.
