How to solve problems quickly without being “out of touch”? Manufacturers argue – 2/5/2020


The creative universe has appeared in the fight against the coronavirus, the initiatives of the so-called ‘makers’ have helped to simplify the processes and create, reinvent and find solutions, or at least part of them, in a faster way.

In the seventh episode of the podcast “Deu Tilt”, columnist for the science and technology channel of UOL Ricardo Cavallini, Cava, has the help of six professionals from the world of creators to answer the questions sent by readers. In the chat, the creators’ challenges, difficulties, trends, successes and mistakes are discussed.

Can you solve problems quickly and without separating yourself from reality? At the risk of creating equipment that will not actually be used by health professionals who are at the forefront of this epidemic?

Who helped provide an overview and contextualize what can be done in this regard was Gabi Agustini, presenter of the Connection Maker program on the Futura channel and founder of Olabi, who commented on what manufacturers are learning by working on initiatives in between from Covid-19 (listen to 26:37).

“The great contribution of the creators in this process is the agility in the response, the ability to be very fast, to achieve overnight, from one hour to the next, adding machine, person, team, technical competence […] do what you have to do, “said Agustini.

However, he also noted difficulties. “Sometimes a little strategy is missing, a procedural look, which sometimes breathes […] and think, but where is it going? Do I need to make this large number of units? […] Is it used in Brazil? […] Otherwise, we run the risk of wasting a lot of potential […] If you do not consult with a local health unit, with whom you will use it in the end, it will not make sense, “he explained.

And I was thinking about this problem, that Gabi Agustini commented that in Olabi they are working on the development of a platform, precisely to connect councils and be able to transmit to manufacturers what hospitals, for example, really need and, therefore, demand to manufacturers. be really effective on that front line.

Cava called Edson Pavoni, an artist and co-founder of several technology companies in the conversation, to answer whether after isolation, part of the culture of doing, getting to work and reusing things can reach the daily life of people. at home (listen to 32:17).

“We are forced to reuse the materials. Just give Google a creative coronavirus mask that you will see from the absorbent bottle to the PET bottle that is used as a mask […] there is a universe of limitations that makes us resignify objects […] it’s something we will do a little more, but I don’t think it’s much more, “he said.

For Pavoni, the big change will be in charge of the connection. “It will be deeper in this movement of change, it is this social connection that we are seeing that is working […] We can’t be physically close, but we are super connected with everyone, all the time talking to everyone and I think we understand that being connected is broader and that digital tools help us a lot in this, “he said (listen to 33:21).

Also participating in the program Rita Wu, architect, designer, researcher and director of communication and content at the Fab Lab Brazil Institute, Marcos Oliveira, founder of the MeViro Institute, an organization that works with creator education and maintains an open creator space to the community in Brasilia, Nagib. Nassif, CEO of Bolha and CTO of Questtonó, companies that create and develop prototypes and design, and Pedro Salum, computer engineer and co-founder of LoopKey, an access control startup for the real estate market.


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Initiatives and projects cited

  • Fab Lab Brazil Institute – platform to spread and support Culture Maker, helping to make digital manufacturing projects feasible among society, companies, schools, universities, governments, fabulous laboratories, manufacturers and manufacturers spaces.
  • MeViro Institute – education for creators with a space open to the community in Brasilia
  • Bubble – Design and innovation studio
  • Questtonó – Innovation and design consultancy
  • Olabi: organization that works with the manufacturers movement to democratize the production of technology.
  • Makers Against Covid-19: Autonomous group focused on the use of technology to cover the anticipated deficit in safety equipment for health professionals.
  • Inspire: a low-cost fan project designed by researchers from the USP Polytechnic School.
  • Arduino – Open Source Hardware Electronic Prototyping Platform
  • Prusa: Open source initiative to print face shields on a 3D printer.