As of this Monday (23), a new Risk Map will come into effect in Espírito Santo. In view of the increase in the number of covid-19 cases in the state, municipalities that previously had a low risk, such as Vitória, Cariacica and Viana, have returned to a moderate risk and will have restrictions in some activities.
One of the changes is related to the operation of bars and restaurants, including those inside the shopping center. This week, the establishments can operate from Monday to Saturday, until 10:00 p.m. and, on Sundays, until 4:00 p.m.
In addition, face-to-face activities are suspended in public and private schools, with the exception of higher education courses, lato sensu and stricto sensu postgraduate courses, technical courses and free courses. OR The state government will meet next Tuesday (24), to discuss the matter with the Union of Private Education Companies of the State of Espírito Santo (Sinepe-ES), as well as Sinpro-ES, Sindiupes, Sindipublics and the Public Ministry.
Measures for commercial establishments, galleries, shopping centers, shopping centers, restaurants, bars and gyms
– Operation of all commercial establishments with qualified measures of 1 (one) customer for every 10 m² (ten square meters), mandatory use of masks for employees and customers, social distance in lines, without restriction of hours of operation.
– Galleries and shopping centers must operate with 50% (fifty percent) of the occupation (1 person per 14 m²).
– Shopping centers must operate and limit the entry of customers in the proportion of 1 (one) person for every 22 m² (twenty-two square meters) of commercial area, considering shops, squares and circulations for collective use, also respecting the proportion of 01 (one) customer for every 10m² (ten square meters) within each store.
– Functioning of the gyms according to specific regulations, with authorization to care for people considered at risk and with the release of collective aerobic activities.
– In Moderate Risk cities, for the moment, operation continues to be normal. During a speech on Friday (20), the governor of Espírito Santo stressed that the attention must continue.
– Only social and corporate events can be held with a maximum audience of 300 (three hundred) people.
Measures for teaching activities
– Face-to-face activities are suspended in all educational establishments in the State of Espírito Santo, both public and private, with the exception of higher education courses, lato sensu and stricto sensu postgraduate courses, technical courses and free courses.
Measures for commercial establishments, galleries, shopping centers, shopping centers, restaurants, bars and gyms
– Operation of bars and restaurants, including shopping centers, from Monday to Saturday, until 10:00 p.m. and, on Sundays, until 4:00 p.m.
– Operation of gyms, according to regulations contained in the Ordinance, with release of individual and collective aerobic activities in open spaces and with release for the care of people considered at risk.
MODERATE RISK: Vitória, Cariacica, Viana, Barra de São Francisco and Ecoporanga,
LOW RISK: Afonso Cláudio, Água Doce do Norte, Águia Branca, Alegre, Alfredo Chaves, Alto Rio Novo, Anchieta, Apiacá, Aracruz, Atílio Vivácqua, Baixo Guandu, Boa Esperança, Bom Jesus do Norte, Brejetuba, Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Castelo, Colatina, Conceição da Barra, Conceição do Castelo, Divino de São Lourenço, Domingos Martins, Dores do Rio Preto, Fundão, Guaçuí, Guarapari, Ibatiba, Ibiraçu, Ibitirama, Iconha, Irupi, Itaguaçu, Itapemirim, Itapemirim, Itape, Iúna, Monteiro João Neiva, Laranja da Terra, Linhares, Mantenimientoópolis, Marataízes, Marshal Floriano, Marilândia, Mimoso do Sul, Montaña, Mucurici, Muniz Freire, Muqui, Nova Venécia, Pancas, Pedro Canário, Pinheiros, Piúma, Ponto Belo, Presidente Kennedy, Rio Bananal, Rio Novo do Sul, Santa Leopoldina, Santa Maria de Jetibá, Santa Teresa, São Domingos do Norte, São Gabriel da Palha, São José do Calçado, São Mateus, São Roque do Canaã, Serra, Sooretama, Vargem Alta, Venda Nova do Imigrante, Vila Pavão, Vila Valério and Vila Velha.