a homeless 42 years old got scared and stabbed two other men in the middle of Avenida Paran, in the Hypercenter of BH, on the night of this Monday (17). The victims were in a state overwhelmed and they were referred to the Joo XXIII Emergency Hospital. No one could explain the motivate commit a crime.
The policemen went in search of the author and located him in Praa Rio Branco, the Highway. With it, they grabbed a bloody knife. The cameras of the Olho Vivo system managed to catch the man hitting the abdmen one of the victims; the other was stabbed in the pulse left and also in the abdomen.
Both victims, aged 52 and 44, were in very bad condition and could not give more details about the dynamics of the events and a possible motivation for the crime. This Tuesday (17), the current status of sade they have not yet been informed.
When questioned by the police, the author also failed to explain the motivation and dynamics of the crime. The homeless person has an extensive criminal history and was taken, advanced Central de Flagrantes 2 (Ceflan 2).
* Intern under the supervision of the sub-editor Frederico Teixeira