The first lady of Rio de Janeiro, Helena Witzel, is with coronaviruses. A disclosure was made of the assessment of the press of the government of this Quinta-Feira (23).
Or diagnosis was confirmed, second to note, after the governor Wilson Witzel (PSC) went to the Copa D’Or Hospital for a rotina exam. He was diagnosed as a doença on April 14 and was published on his social networks.
- Não é uma doença equal to any outra, says Witzel
Witzel fez exames de rotina and returned to Palácio Laranjeiras, official residence of the governor. Ele “recovers normally e passa bem”.
Or governor announced or diagnosis of Covid-19 not last day 14. The dissect that has fever, throat pain and loss of smell.
Dias depois, relatou em uma rede social a evolução dos symptoms.
“I have passed a noite agreeing with that tosse. Really a doença that is not the same as any other. It is not a flu that is easy to overcome,” he said.
On occasion, he thanked his wife, who has been taking care of him.
Witzel was the first two governors of the country to be endorsed, or the social regulations not confronted in doença.a
No day after the year of the positive test of the governor, or state secretary of Saúde, Edmar Santos, announced that he tested positive for Covid-19.
Na Baixada Fluminense, the prefects of Duque de Caxias, Washington Reis, and Belford Roxo, Waguinho, also positive testaram for o novo coronavírus.
You just received discharge did not start this week of a private hospital in the Sul do Rio Zone where you were hospitalized for 13 days.