The charged clouds act over much of the North, MT and GO states in the Midwest, and primarily over MG, RJ, and ES. The drier air begins to gain strength over the southern and western states of SP. In the Northeast, the entire eastern sector of the region continues with little cloudiness.
Weather forecast for the day
Sunday with persistent rain forecast in the north of Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo and in the center-east of Minas Gerais, including Grande BH. Lots of clouds and rain at any time on the coast of SP and south of RJ, south and west of Minas Gerais, Goiás, Tocantins, south of Maranhão and extreme south of Bahia.
The coast of Paraná and Santa Catarina is cloudy. Firm climate in the inland areas of the northeast between the north of Bahia, the west of Pernambuco and the south of Ceará. The north of Maranhão and the coast of Pará also have a stable climate this Sunday. In other areas, showers mainly in the afternoon.
In Grande SP, the sun appears with a variation of clouds and it can rain at Sunday hours. The heaviest rain is expected in the afternoon.
Today’s Alerts
Alert for the risk of storms with heavy rains throughout Espírito Santo and the center-east of Minas Gerais. Between Tocantins, Goiás, RJ and the rest of MG areas, the alert is for storms with lightning and gusts of wind. The north of Amazonas and Roraima are also on alert for the risk of storms. Attention to the risk of heavy to moderate rains in most of Brazil. There is no risk of heavy rains on the south coast and in the north-northeast sector, but these areas are paying attention to moderate winds.