The heat wave that mainly affects the southeast and midwest of the country caused Inmet (National Institute of Meteorology) to issue an alert of risk of death due to hyperthermia in 34 cities of Minas Gerais, in the Triângulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaíba regions.

(Photo: Playback / Pixabay)
According to the institute, the meteorological warning, valid until Friday (9), was classified as “great danger” due to the risk of causing hyperthermia, since temperatures have been 5ºC above average for a period of more than five days. .
Among the affected cities are Uberlândia, Uberaba (the two most populated in the Triangle), Araguari and Ituiutaba, which have registered high temperatures since the end of September.
Inmet’s recommendation is that people, if necessary, contact the Civil Defense. Hyperthermia, which occurs when body temperature rises too high, can compromise organs and lead to death.
The alert is also valid for Veríssimo, Água Comprida, Planura, Prata, Santa Vitória, São Francisco de Sales, Tupaciguara, União de Minas, Pirajuba, Nova Ponte, Monte Alegre de Minas, Limeira do Oeste, Iturama, Itapagipe, Ipiaçu, Gurinhatã , Fruity, Fronteira, Delta, Conquista, Conceição das Alagoas, Comandante Gomes, Centralina, Carneirinho, Capinopolis, Canápolis, Campo Florido, Campina Verde, Cachoeira Dourada and Araporã.
In addition to the two regions, other mining towns, including the metropolitan areas of Belo Horizonte, Vale do Rio Doce and Vale do Jequitinhonha, are suffering from the heat wave in recent days.
The life-threatening heat wave in Minas Gerais occurs at a time when fires are raging due to drought destroying permanent preservation areas and state parks in the state.
This is the case of the Itacolomi State Park, in Ouro Preto and Mariana, which has an area of 7,543 hectares, slightly larger than that of the city of Búzios (RJ), for example.
About 50 professionals work to extinguish the fire at the site, with the support of a helicopter.
For the weekend, the outlook is for a slight drop in temperatures in Minas Gerais.