Health Ministry Must Sign Letter of Intent on Five Vaccines, But Exclude Chinese


The Health Ministry will sign a letter of intent on five vaccines, but excludes China’s Coronavac and the purchase is not guaranteed edit

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247 – The Health Ministry said on Sunday (22) that it should sign “non-binding letters of intent” for the purchase of vaccines from five developers: Pfizer, Janssen, Bharat Biotech, Russian Direct Investment Fund (responsible for Sputinik V) and Moderna. . Not on the list is the Chinese Coronavac vaccine, which will be purchased and produced in Brazil in association with the Butantan Institute of São Paulo.

The document does not formalize the purchase of products. Saúde affirms that it is still waiting for the end of the phase 3 studies, in addition to the registration by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), setting prices and incorporation of the product into the SUS, informs the State of S.Paulo.

The newspaper also reports that any business should only be closed after Anvisa’s approval to market the immunizer in the country. The reticent stance of the ministry increased after President Jair Bolsonaro ousted Minister Eduardo Pazuello.

In October, the Health Director had to step back and undo a promise to buy doses of Coronavac, a vaccine developed by the Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinovac, in association with the Butantan Institute. This agreement is led by the São Paulo government of João Doria (PSDB), Bolsonaro’s political enemy.

The ministry indicated that access to 142.9 million doses is already provided for in the contracts already signed. These immunizers would be guaranteed through a deal of about R $ 2 billion to supply 100 million units of the Oxford / Astrazeneca vaccine, in addition to the transfer of technology for the production of the drug to Fiocruz.

Another way is through the Covax Facility, a consortium led by the World Health Organization (WHO) to accelerate the supply of immunizers. Brazil invested R $ 2.5 billion to join the group and hopes to receive, through the consortium, vaccines for 10% of the population.

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