‘He will end them in the game’ TV News


After Fiuk vetoed Arthur Picoli from the BBB21 Leader Test, Sarah Andrade and Rodolffo Matthaus evaluated the two brothers’ “war.” “He will finish them off in the game,” said the member of the Pipoca group at dawn this Friday (19).

During the dynamic, the sertanejo brought up the subject. “What rivalry is this with Fiuk and Arthur, huh?” He said. “This will end them in the game. This is not good. It turns out that they do not see other things in the game, they only look at each other,” lamented the digital marketing consultancy.

On Thursday night (18), Fiuk decided to take the crossfit coach out of the race for the lead. “Because we already had some things, I find it boring to stay in this redundancy, returning to the subject. That will have to be my first option ”, explained the singer about the veto decision.

Before the live show, Carla had asked Fábio Jr.’s son to forgive the physical educator and offered to be banned in lieu of fiction. The actress’s plan did not work.

Learn all about BBB21 with the O Brasil Tá Vendo podcast

Listen “# 31 – Does BBB21 have the worst couples in reality history?” on the Spreaker.

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