He prayed for me when we were both completely naked, reports a former seminarian on Dom Alberto


Archbishop of Belém, Dom Alberto Taveira Corrêa
Archbishop of Belém, Dom Alberto Taveira Corrêa
Photo: Marx Vasconcelos / Futura Press / Estadão Content (06.dez.2020)

A CNN had access to the testimonies of the four former members of a priests’ seminary in Belém, who say they have been sexually abused by the highest religious authority in the capital of the state of Pará, Archbishop Dom Alberto Taveira Corrêa.

In the reports of the former seminarians, the same “modus operandi” of approaching a sexual predator would have been repeated, at least, between 2010 and 2014, when they were between 15 and 20 years old.

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In the statements given to the authorities, the young people reported that they had been instructed to look for Dom Alberto and encouraged by him to have private escorts at the home of the religious.

They say the conversations were about relationships, studies and virginity. Regarding the vocational issue, the questions addressed masturbation and sexuality.

All former seminarians claim to have received the same book, entitled ‘The Battle for Sexual Normality’, from the Dutch psychologist Gerard Aardweg, which contained a questionnaire and two more questions added by the archbishop about the size of the sexual organ of young people. One of the complainants says that the priest tried to have sex with him.

Here are some excerpts from the testimonials.

“Archbishop Dom Alberto put his hand on his genitals, massaging, kneading and saying that he was praying a prayer to the Holy Spirit so that the declarant would remain chaste and could avoid any initiative of masturbation.”

“Since I couldn’t get an erection, he reacted furiously, slapping me and saying: ‘You’re incompetent’ (…) After that moment, he breathed and as if nothing had happened, he prayed for me, while the two of us continued completely naked, saying : ‘In the name of Jesus Christ, I heal you from each and every homosexual desire,’ which caused me great disgust ”.

“At one point, the Cardinal called the declarant to talk. It was then that Archbishop Dom Alberto held the declarant’s arm tightly and said that the declarant had to be careful what he was going to say, since the rope would break towards the weaker side, which intimidated the declarant and silenced him . before the Cardinal ”.

“The archbishop sent a message asking the deponent what time he could go up to the archbishop’s room, since the deponent was always in the basement room, that this always happened when the auxiliary bishops had already left, that these conversations lasted all the time he stayed in the seminary ”.

“Everything that I believed in the authority of the Church, in the testimonies of the bishops, fell apart and I was left without knowing what I had believed in throughout my church life. In the end, they warned me that I had 30 days to read the book and answer the questionnaire, which were days of great fear and psychological pressure for me ”.

Justice process against Dom Alberto

Wanted by the report, the lawyer for the complainants, Luana Tomaz, explains that what they are looking for is that there is accountability and that this type of practice is not perpetuated. He points out that it is not a claim against the institution of the Church.

“It is a case against a person who, exercising a religious function, ended up committing sexual abuse. Victims believe that, with the courage they had to report, other victims can also raise their voices and seek support so that this situation is revealed. They are religious people who maintain their Christian faith, but who understand that the Church cannot cover up any form of sexual abuse in any way, “he said.

Luana points out that the former seminarians did not know each other, that they were from different seminaries and of different years and that, first of all, they sought out the church itself to take action on the complaints, but that, given the delay, they sought out public authorities .

In early December last year, a few days before the complaints were published on the El País website, Dom Alberto spoke about the alleged abuses.

“I tell you that a few days ago I received with sadness the news of the existence of investigation procedures with serious accusations against me, without having previously questioned or had the opportunity to clarify the facts of the accusations.”

The Pará State Prosecutor’s Office said the complaints were distributed to prosecutors, who are awaiting the conclusion of the police investigation.

The Archdiocese of Belém highlighted that, before the denunciations were disclosed, the archbishop had already made a statement.

The National Conference of Bishops of Brazil said, in a note, that it hopes the facts will be clarified.

“The CNBB has not been officially informed of the facts mentioned in its query. It is aware of the letter from the Archbishop of Belém, Dom Alberto Taveira Corrêa, addressed to the clergy of that archdiocese and also of the video that he addresses to the people of God. The archbishop clearly explains what processes are underway: In the Church there are competent bodies to receive and investigate complaints, according to the protocols established by the Holy See, valid for the Church throughout the world, based on truth and justice. is a Attribution of the Episcopal Conferences. The CNBB hopes that the facts will be investigated by the competent civil and religious authorities. That everything be clarified, for the good of all. “

Note from the Archdiocese of Belém

“Both the Archdiocese of Belém and the Archbishop respect the ongoing investigation, which requires secrecy, which makes it impossible for us to have more information and pronouncement at this time.

On December 5, in his address, the Archbishop said:

‘I trust that the Brazilian Justice will clarify these false accusations, which not only threaten my honor, but also harm those who have always fought faithfully and actively for fidelity to Our Lord Jesus Christ. I reform being fully available to the authorities, both ecclesiastical and civil, so that reality is completely restored.

(With information from André Rigue and Giovanna Bronze)
