Handling? The sum of the votes of all the gardens in this edition never gave 100%


The fifth garden of “A Fazenda 2020” (RecordTV), with Biel, Carol Narizinho and Tays Reis, gave us something to talk about last night and it was not only because it broke a new record in the history of the program, with more than 676 wishes. After announcing the result of the garden that eliminated Carol Narizinho from the program, a fact caught the attention of the public and the press: the sum of the individual percentages of each pawn did not give 100%. Biel had 33.01%, Carol 29.51% and Tays Reis 37.47%. Adding the three values, the result is: 99.9%. The reality fans were quick to accuse the network of manipulating the voting results.

And it wasn’t just yesterday’s farm that the account wasn’t closed. This is what happened in all the gardens in this edition of “A Fazenda”. Last week, which had the elimination of Cartolouco, the sum was 100.1%. The sports journalist had 24.9% against Biel’s 30.8% and Jojo Todynho’s 44.31%. In the third round of the edition, in which Rodrigo Morais was eliminated, he also did not give 100% of the votes in the account. The youtuber had 25.63%, 41.61% of Raíssa Barbosa and 32.73% of Biel, resulting in 99.97%.

In the second elimination of the program, which culminated in the departure of JP Gadêlha, the result was 100.1%. The firefighter had 22.6%, Lidi Lisboa 40.75% and Luiza Ambiel 33.20%, and in the first field, which eliminated Fernandinho Beatbox, the sum was 99.99%. The musician had 22.45%, Raissa 44.14% and Cartolouco 33.40.

Wanted by TwitterRecord’s press office said it would not comment on the matter.

The Farm 2020: Biel, Carol Narizinho and Tays Reis in the country - Playback / RecordTV - Playback / RecordTV

The Farm 2020: Biel, Carol Narizinho and Tays Reis on the farm

Image: Playback / RecordTV
