Guedes says he can “give up” to implement the digital tax


BRASILIA – Economy Minister Paulo Guedes said Thursday that he could stop implementing the tax on financial transactions and electronic payments. Critics of this tax compare it to the former CMPF, which the minister has always rejected.

Understand: How a ‘new CPMF’ can affect everyday items, from muffins to bus tickets

Guedes’ idea was to use the tax to pay the tax exemption on the payroll of companies.

– This tax would only enter if it were released. Maybe he won’t even have to, maybe I’ll quit – said the minister, in a brief interview with CNN Brazil.

The minister also ruled out tax increases. The day before, in a seminar, Guedes came to defend the implementation of the tax and also a specific tax for the so-called “big techs”, large technology companies, such as Facebook and Google, in line with what is already being discussed in Europe.

– This tax does not even go through the banks. It transcends, it is through a digital infovia. In the same way that you pay a toll to travel on a highway, if you are using a digital infovia that the government has made available to all Brazilians for free, you can charge a small traffic tax, for information traffic that go over there – he said. minister on Wednesday.

At the seminar, organized by Federal Supreme Court Minister (STF) Gilmar Mendes, Guedes said that banks already charge what he himself called CPMF. The minister also said that financial institutions are against this tax because “they want to drink water where banks drink.” Wanted, Febraban did not manifest.

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In Wednesday’s act, the minister said that the savings from the administrative reform could exceed the R $ 300 billion that he estimates. According to Guedes, this figure can be exceeded due to the low replacement of servers.

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The reform, Guedes said, was proposed considering a server replacement rate of 70%. But this percentage is lower than expected.

A different future for the Amazon

Guedes also defended “a different future for the Amazon.” For the minister, the region cannot continue to depend on the Manaus Free Zone, under the risk that the Amazonian capital “will become São Paulo.”

– We are going to design a different future for the Amazon, instead of transforming it into São Paulo. I mean, an industrial center with a belt of misery and poverty around it, which is what will happen in time, if we let it be based on industrial subsidies from an old economy.
