Guedes says he can anticipate benefits to minimize the end of aid


Despite denying the extension of emergency aid in several statements, the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, said last Friday (11) that the government has instruments to mitigate the end of the benefit in 2021.

“We do not rule out using tools inside the ceiling (the rule that prohibits expenses from growing faster than inflation). We have the ability to anticipate benefits, defer tax collection (defer payment of taxes). We have already done it this year, ”he said, in a hearing at the Congressional Joint Committee that monitors anti-virus measures.

Paulo Guedes affirms that economy returns in V without emergency aid

Paulo Guedes, Minister of Economy, affirmed that the economic activity of Brazil is in a recovery phase and that it is returning to V. Guedes affirmed that the advance of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Brazil is lower than expected in the third quarter He was influenced that he took the results from before upwards.

“It’s the economy coming back, coming back in V as we said before. There were revisions in previous quarters, with growth slightly higher, so it was a little lower than expected. But the fact is, the economy is coming back in V, it is really coming back, ”Guedes said.

Guedes commented on the report released by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) this week. In the report, the IMF said that the Brazilian authorities should be prepared to provide additional support in the fiscal area. For Guedes, this means that the IMF wants to phase out the programs created during the pandemic. “The IMF is suggesting what we are doing, that the withdrawal of stimuli be gradual,” he said.

Then, Guedes spoke about the emergency aid of R $ 600, which currently pays R $ 300 installments and ends the calendar in December 2020. “So the withdrawal is being gradual, exactly as recommended. So much so that it was appreciated that they praised the Brazilian program. Brazil was one of the economies that returned the fastest, ”said Guedes.
