Guedes and “200 million packages from 6 banks”. Let it work instead of talking – 05/10/2020


Instead of having 200 million packages operated by six banks, six contractors, six cabotage companies, six fuel distributors; instead of this, it will be the other way around. We will have hundreds, thousands of companies. We will create a strong middle class of entrepreneurs. Prosperity, higher wages, productivity, increased competitiveness of Brazilians and a massive market.

This is Paulo Guedes in a video conference held this Saturday by Itaú BBA, one of the six banks …

The president of the institution, Candido Bracher, participated in the debate. Then the minister tried to fix his speech:
When I always say that we are 200 million Muggles with six banks, six contractors, six this, six that, I want to emphasize much more the importance of competition. […] Non-competitive markets are less convenient for consumers. “

Then it’s okay.

Understand, my dear ones: I have doubts, or better I do not have, if the minister should occupy his time in “lives” with the financial system. Not that this indicates awkward or inappropriate proximity. With the whole bow, this is simply useless. Or does anyone really believe that something substantial will happen at events like this?

As a result, it leads to unfortunate statements.

It is even shameful that a government that cannot even distribute money, there are millions of poor people who have not yet received the benefit; the tail of the Bolsa Família does not walk; the INSS is a debacle … – dedicate yourself to these self-help exercises literally.

I explain: People who give a self-help talk usually give talks so that people can make decisions that are considered correct, right? It almost always sucks, I know. In any case, the intention is directed towards the other. Guedes is talking to see if he can help himself.

I take as an example his fixed idea of ​​freezing the salaries of officials. It is not about being for or against, but knowing if that is the priority now. It is not. Associated with the issue is aid to states. The proposal voted by the Senate will be insufficient even if the freeze prevails.

There is no coordination There is no government There is no proposal

And the reason is simple: when the head of Guedes decides to speak to someone, he sits down to distribute positions to the “fundão do Centrão”, the group from FUZARCA.

It is melancholy.

Guedes should have the humility to acknowledge that he is not doing the job and ask for help. But it will not happen. Instead, he is part of the “Over or Supreme March of the Masquerades” and becomes a speaker in the group.

Next time, you can’t forget to invite the corporal and the soldier. Jeep-free Although there was a general in the group. And active.

If the minister had an efficiency corresponding to the size of his language, we would be in a slightly better position. Just a little But it would be something.
