The Federal Government plans to pay, as of 2021, all the benefits of the Brazilian citizen through the Box has. In June of this year, a provisional measure was issued to allow social security benefits It will also be paid through the application. With the novelty, the digital social savings account, initially created to pay the emergency help and the emergency withdrawal of the Unemployment Compensation Fund (FGTS), can be used to pay benefits such as Bolsa Família, pensions, pensions, unemployment insurance and salary allowances.
Digital social savings are free and have no maintenance fees. With more than 100 million accounts opened by Caixa Tem, the government decided to keep them next year when it saw the opportunity to bank the low-income population and strengthen its digital banking. The text was approved by Congress and sanctioned by President Jair Bolsonaro in October this year. With the extension of the benefits paid through the application, the government will extinguish the citizen card and plans to start payments from May 2021.
The digital social savings account will continue to have zero cost and the branch withdrawal option will continue to be available for families who do not have access to the application. According to Reuters, the migration of social benefit payments to Caixa Tem will begin with Bolsa Família. It is worth mentioning that for retirees or pensioners, the migration of social security benefits is optional.
Also read: FGTS up to R $ 1,045: Anyone who violates this rule can have their benefit canceled