Government publishes MP that opens an extraordinary loan of R $ 25.7 billion to pay Emergency Aid | save


President Jair Bolsonaro last Friday (24) issued a provisional measure (MP 956) that opens an extraordinary loan of R $ 25,720 billion, in favor of the Ministry of Citizenship, to meet the Emergency Aid payments of R $ 600 .

MP 956 was published in an additional edition of the Official Gazette (DOU) and was signed by the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes. The measure is already in force.

The An extraordinary loan has been opened so that the government can finish paying the first installment of the aid and start paying the second..

2nd delayed delivery canceled

On Monday (20), Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF) announced the advance payment of the second installment of the benefit from April 27 to 23. However, on Wednesday (22), the Ministry of Citizenship reported that it could no longer anticipate “due to legal and budgetary factors.”

“Due to legal and budgetary factors, due to the large number of applicants still under analysis, we are legally prevented from anticipating the second delivery of emergency aid,” he reported.

The payment schedule for the second installment still awaits a definition from the Ministry of Citizenship.

The government announces that it will not anticipate the second installment of R $ 600 emergency aid.

The government announces that it will not anticipate the second installment of R $ 600 emergency aid.

Emergency aid has three different payment schedules:

  • one for beneficiaries who receive the Family scholarship;
  • one second for those enrolled in the Unique record not received by the Bolsa Familia and women heads of household;
  • and a third for those signed up for emergency help through the program’s app or website.


1. Beneficiaries of Bolsa Família

Those who already receive Bolsa Família do not need to register to receive the benefit. Workers who comply with the regulations will receive individual assistance through the same means in which they receive Bolsa Família. Workers will receive the most advantageous benefit.

Payments follow the Bolsa Família calendar:

  • first delivery in the last ten business days of April
  • second delivery in the last ten business days of May
  • third installment in the last ten business days of June

2. Workers registered in the Single Registry who do not receive Bolsa Família

Those registered in CadÚnico, but who do not receive Bolsa Família, did not need to register either.

  • first delivery – it was paid from April 9 for those who have a BB or savings account with Caixa, and from April 14 for those who do not have an account with these banks.
  • for the second deliveryCaixa even announced the advance payment, but the Ministry of Citizenship reported that the government could not anticipate it. The original calendar provided for payment on the following dates:
  • – April 27 for those born from January to March
  • – April 28 for those born from April to June
  • – April 29 for those born from July to September
  • – April 30 for those born from October to December
  • third and last installment:
  • – May 26 for those born from January to March
  • – May 27 for those born from April to June
  • – May 28 for those born from July to September
  • – May 29 for those born from October to December

3. Other workers registered through the application and the website

Other workers who fall under the rules to receive the benefit must register through the app or the website (preferably). Those without Internet access can register with Caixa agencies and lottery stores.

  • first delivery within five business days after registration, starting April 14;
  • for the second deliveryCaixa even announced the advance payment, but the Ministry of Citizenship reported that the government could not anticipate it. The original calendar provided for payment on the following dates:
  • – April 27 for those born from January to March
  • – April 28 for those born from April to June
  • – April 29 for those born from July to September
  • – April 30 for those born from October to December
  • third and last installment:
  • – May 26 for those born from January to March
  • – May 27 for those born from April to June
  • – May 28 for those born from July to September
  • – May 29 for those born from October to December

Free digital accounts

Aid recipients, except those who receive the family allowance, will receive payments in their bank accounts.

For those who do not currently have an account, Caixa Econômica Federal will open free digital accounts. These accounts will allow beneficiaries to make consumer bill payments and transfers free of charge.

Cash withdrawals from these accounts will be released staggered from April 27, through self-service channels and lotteries, without a card, according to the following schedule:

  • April 27 – born January and February
  • April 28 – born March and April
  • April 29 – born May and June
  • April 30 – born July and August
  • May 4 – born September and October
  • May 5 – born in November and December

