Government of São Paulo registers Coronavac vaccine in Anvisa – News


The Government of São Paulo announced on Friday (2) that it had registered the Coronavac vaccine with Anvisa (National Health Surveillance Agency). The available documents were sent by the Butantan Institute through a platform offered by the agency.

According to Dimas Covas, president of the Butantan Institute, Anvisa has published a technical regulation that facilitates the flow of documents for the registration of new vaccines in the country. In practice, documents can be sent as they are generated. This has the objective of facilitating the analysis of the technicians and allowing that there are no delays in this process that is so important for us ”, concluded Covas.

On Wednesday (30), the the government had already formalized the signing of an association contract with Sinovac Biopharmaceuticals.

The contract, in addition to the supply of 46 million doses of the vaccine against covid-19, also establishes technology exchanges between the pharmaceutical company and the Butantan Institute for the local production of the medicine. In the agreement, 6 million doses will come from China and the other 40 million will be produced in São Paulo.

“The perspective is that the vaccine will be ready on December 15, but we will only do it if we have the approval of Anvisa,” said the governor.

It wasn’t the first album

Anvisa received the first request to register a vaccine against covid-19 in Brazil on Thursday (1st). It is the Oxford vaccine, developed by the University of Oxford, in the United Kingdom, and by the Swedish pharmaceutical AstraZeneca.

In Brazil, it has tests coordinated by Unifesp (Federal University of the State of São Paulo) and will be produced by the Bio-Manguinhos laboratory, linked to Fiocruz (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation), in Rio de Janeiro.
