São Paulo Governor João Doria (PSDB) announced on Wednesday (22), the gradual reopening of the economy in the state as of May 11. The measure to facilitate social isolation due to the coronavirus will be carried out in stages, with specific authorizations for each region of the state.
“In a pandemic like this, health and medicine determine our steps. Health and science and will continue to do so from May 11, after the end of the current quarantine that runs until May 10. We will take into account local situations , regional and sectoral that can return the economy with the necessary protection measures, “said Doria.
The authorizations for the operation of the trade will depend on the specific situation of each city or region of the state, however, the establishments that can return to work on May 11 were not detailed.
“Regionalization is extremely important because the country is already heterogeneous, so is the state, and with that, we need to have this regionalization due to the critical factors in each of them,” said the Secretary of State for Health, José Henrique Germann .
According to Lieutenant Governor Rodrigo García, the state’s economy did not freeze during quarantine and maintained 74% of its operation. São Paulo has not stopped. Practically 74% of São Paulo’s economy has been operating since the first day of the quarantine decreed last month. The quarantine allowed the state of São Paulo to prepare the health network, “he declared.
According to Patrícia Ellen, secretary of Economic Development, the beds available in the hospitals of each region will be monitored daily to discover how the restrictive measures will be relaxed. The monitoring of the daily beds is already carried out in the city of São Paulo.
The quarantine began on March 24 in the 645 municipalities of the state. Until 5 pm on Tuesday (21), São Paulo recorded 1,037 deaths from the new coronavirus and more than 14,000 confirmed cases.
Octavio Frias de Oliveira bridge empty due to quarantine in SP – Photo: REUTERS / Leonardo Benassatto
The social isolation rate in São Paulo was 57% on Tuesday (21). “I want to thank the population for having answered our call and this is a very reasonable number and our goal is always to be above 50% in this index, reaching 60% in some regions, fortunately, we exceed 60%”, said. the governor.
See the municipalities with isolation above 50%:
- São Sebastião, 67%
- Ubatuba, 64%
- Cruzeiro, 64%
- Lorena, 63%
- Caraguatatuba, 61%
- Ribeirão pires, 61%
- Itanhaém, 58%
- São Vicente, 58%
- Mairiporã, 58%
- Caçapava, 58%
- Cajamar, 58%
- Caieiras, 58%
- Drinker, 58%
- Pindamonhangaba, 58%
- Ibiúna 57%
- Poa 57%
- Itapecerica da Serra, 56%
- Votuporanga, 56%
- Piraçununga, 56%
- Guaratinguetá, 56%
Quarantine until May 10
Initially, the quarantine was scheduled to end on April 22, but was extended until May 10. With an isolation rate below the desired rate, Doria said he would trust the population. “By closing roads and highways there is no decision about it. We respect only local councils decisions in tourist cities regarding limiting access during long vacations and weekends only to residents and homeowners” he said Friday. (17)
The measure requires the closure of trade and maintains only essential services, such as in the areas of Health and Safety.
The extension of the quarantine occurred due to the increasing number of cases of contamination and registered deaths, in addition to the low level of social isolation of the population, measured with the monitoring system that uses cell phone signals to find out if there are people in the home and locate crowds. . The government says the ideal rate to try to prevent the spread of the disease is 70%.