After the publication of a video in which she appears to be assaulted by her husband Bruno Feital, the gospel singer Quesia Freitas revealed that the violence was motivated by a chocolate drink. The event took place in the parking lot of a shopping center in Rio de Janeiro. In a report to the “Balanço Geral” program, this Tuesday (24), she explained that, at a certain point, the two of them stopped to buy her husband a coffee, and the store did not have Bruno’s preferred brand of chocolate. That was when it exploded.
“He had a stress attack because he didn’t have the chocolate he wanted. Then he got stressed out when I paid for the ticket. [do cinema]because I wanted to surprise you. I said, ‘what’s going on? Nothing is good for you. ‘ He yelled, ‘It’s true. Let’s go now'”shared the singer, who had suggested the tour to please her husband, since they were both “working hard“.

Embarrassed by his reaction, Quesia went to the bathroom to escape the embarrassing situation. “He started screaming and I was embarrassed. He pushed me and I stopped. But at that moment I thought, ‘Enough! I’m tired of this life. ‘ I was exhausted and I saw that there, in a public place, would be the push I needed to end it all. Today there is the tool, which are the videos, which prove everything “He also detailed in an interview with the newspaper Extra.
The images were published on Monday (21) by the artist’s brother, also a gospel singer Juninho Black. “Strong and disgusting scenes! My sister by blood was attacked the day before yesterday at Américas Shopping Recreio RJ in front of everyone. The aggressor is her current husband, who assaulted her for more than a year ”.Juninho wrote. “Family, I don’t want my sister to fall into the statistics of femicides. I have other videos of aggression in a public place, and the authorities have not yet put this animal in jail ”., completed the outburst. The video already has more than 260 thousand views.
According to Quesia, the attacks were recurrent and occurred from the first day of the wedding. Between physical, psychological and sexual abuse, she assures that she lost custody of her children, from another relationship, due to the violent behavior of her husband. He even stated that Bruno demanded sex very often, even with the boy at home, when he lived with his son. According to information released by UOL, she has reportedly registered at least four police complaints against her husband.
In an interview with Marie Claire magazine, she said that when the attacks occurred, he claimed to be “possessed by a demon” and sought spiritual help, but the violence never stopped. “The next video could be my death”Quesia pointed out. “It is a mixture of shame because you don’t want to believe that you are going through that, with that gravity. But one hour you see that it is getting worse and you don’t want to accept it. You want to talk, but you are still afraid that the person will kill you. Only today do I begin to understand that I do not need his forgiveness “she concluded, encouraging other women survivors of domestic violence to have the courage to stop, as she did.
So far, Bruno Feital has not commented on the charges.