Globo renews the war with Bolsonaro and Pedro Bial describes it as “ungovernable”, “unspeakable” and “obvious”


“Without a mask and without notion, it caused agglomeration. The unspeakable contributed decisively to the death of more people. Now it is overcome, delirious, by despising the only solution: the vaccine,” said the presenter edit

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247 – The war between the Bolsonaro government and Globo, which supported the 2016 coup and today is going through a deep financial crisis, won a new chapter last night, when the presenter read a harsh editorial against the president he helped choose. Bial called Bolsonaro “indescribable” and “ungovernable.”

“In the pandemic of this disastrous 2020, Brazil stood out. From the beginning, our governor tried to deny the seriousness of the crisis, he kept inventing miracle medicines, he sabotaged the ministers of health and education.

“Without a mask and without a clue, it caused agglomeration. The unspeakable contributed decisively to the death of more people. Now it is overcome, deliriously, by despising the only solution: the vaccine. As the man without a brain who now occupies the Planalto Palace said. : to die, all will die. Worse who has a life ahead of him, ”said Bial. See an excerpt:

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