four installments of R $ 250 confirmed


President Bolsonaro confirmed that the emergency help It will be paid in four installments of R $ 250. The suggested amount had already been made in the previous week.

After meeting with Minister Paulo Guedes and the presidents of the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate, Bolsonaro said that almost everything is fine. However, there were no details on how this payment will be made.

Minister Paulo Guedes bets on the approval of the Emergency PEC to make the payments of the emergency help. The proposal is on the agenda for March 3 in the Federal Senate, but it will be much less dehydrated than expected by the government.

Changes suggested by the economic team must be submitted later on Monday (1/3). One of the points drawn from the original proposal is the decoupling of spending on health and education.

Lira announced the value of emergency aid on social media

Through social networks, the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira, confirmed that the amount would be R $ 250 for another four months, until June.

According to the president of the Chamber, a meeting was held with President Bolsonaro to address, in addition to emergency aid, the deliveries of the 140 million vaccines.

Check out:

value of emergency aid

Do you want to be aware of all the news about public tenders? Direcção Concursos prepared a group on Telegram with the main news. Click here and participate!

Mid-level public tenders that may be your opportunity

Passing a public exam can be a great opportunity to change the lives of many people.

With guaranteed stability and salaries above the Brazilian average, public tenders are good options. Check out some of the available notices:

IBGE 2021 Contest: The notice of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE contest) was published with 204,307 vacancies at the primary and secondary levels. There are 181,898 vacancies for enumerators, in addition to 5,450 vacancies for municipal census agents and 16,959 vacancies for census supervisory agents. See details.

courses to get out of emergency aid
Check the management courses for this contest.

Senate Contest: Everything indicates that the event should take place only in 2021. The commission was revoked and there are provisions in the 2021 PLOA. The announcement will have 25 vacancies for the legislative police position, which requires a baccalaureate level. See details here.

PM PI Contest: the new public notice for the Piauí Military Police will offer 690 vacancies for the position of soldier, which requires a medium level. The organizing committee of the public call has also been defined and the tests will be in charge of Nucepe. The starting salaries are R $ 3,400 for the soldiers. See details.

TJ RJ Contest: The bidding of the Court of Justice of Rio de Janeiro is temporarily suspended. Registration for the event will be reopened. For mid-level applicants, 85 opportunities are offered. See details.

These are just a few public tenders that are available, but there are several notices that are still expected to be published in 2021. For all the notices, see:


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