Pedro Hallal, former dean of the UFPel (Federal University of Pelotas), calls the notification of the CGU (General Comptroller of the Union) about a criticism that he made to President Jair Bolsonaro for the coping policy of 19.
In an interview with Jornal Nacional, on TV Globo, Hallal said that he will not stop expressing his opinion on the development of the fight against the pandemic. “I will continue to express my scientific opinion on the failure of the Brazilian confrontation with covid-19,” he said. “It is not because of this attack that I will stop expressing my position,” he added.
The former dean and the dean of Extension and Culture of the same university, Eraldo dos Santos Pinheiro, were subject to a TAC (Term of Adequacy of Conduct). They demonstrated against President Jair Bolsonaro in a live broadcast on UFPel social media in January this year.
At the time, the two criticized the appointment of professor Isabela Fernandes Andrade as dean, because she was not part of the triple list, indications made by the university community.
The position of the teachers led federal deputy Bibo Nunes (PSL-RS) to file a complaint at CGU, in which he asked for his exoneration.
The TACs against Pedro Hallal and Eraldo dos Santos Pinheiro were published yesterday in the Official Gazette of the Federation. The excerpts say that the professors gave “a disrespectful and disrespectful expression directed at the President of the Republic.” CGU considered that the speeches were developed in the workplace because they were broadcast on the university channels.