Former pedestrians make joint efforts in the fields of Biel, Jojo and Lidi


After meeting with the finalists of “A Fazenda 2020” (RecordTV), the former pedestrians are even more determined about who they want to go to the grand final.

The first pair of finalists will be decided today, in a field contested by Biel, Jojo Todynho and Lidi Lisboa.

Check below how are the fans of former pedestrians and the official profiles of Lipe Ribeiro, Stéfani Bays and Tays Reis.


Unsurprisingly, Tays Reis’ official profile stated that the singer, Biel, was ingrained.

Cartolouco followed the formation of the farm with Lucas Maciel and Raissa Barbosa and the journalist asked Biel for votes.

Another boy from the bay, Juliano Ceglia, insisted on posting photos of him voting for his partner and asking for votes over and over again.


Stéfani’s proximity to Jojo is clear from the start. Thus, the administrators of the digital influencer profile are leading joint efforts for the permanence of the singer.


Lipe did everything possible to avoid going to the field with Lidi, her great friend inside the house. And the profile administrators have already declared a vote for the actress.


Carol Narizinho made a pop on her Instagram, saying that Lidi didn’t feel like saying hello. “He didn’t insist on saying hello or courtesy. So Jojo and Biel.”

Mateus Carrieri was also divided and asks Jojo and Biel for votes in this field.

Victória Villarim declared Biel a fan. “This warrior, fighting boy, that I admire too much.” However, he also made it clear that he wants Jojo in the final. “Come out, Lidi, obviously.”


As it could not be missing, there are always those who cannot define a single favorite. This is the case of MC Mirella. The singer did not press for anyone in this field. According to a Funkeira post on his Twitter, he wouldn’t want anyone to leave

Another who did it was Rodrigão. The presenter published in his stories:

“We have a farm between Jojo, my ganache, Bielzera, my partner and Lidi, my little sister. I’m the one from the farm, right? Seriously …”

With many former participants out of the crowd, such as Jakelyne Oliveira, Mariano, Luiza Ambiel, it remains to be seen which of the pawns will be able to go straight to the final.

Fazenda 2020: Who do you want to stay in the 1st special garden?


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