Former Palmeiras and Santos, Zé Roberto shows the divided shirt in the final: “I can’t choose sides” | liberators


With passes for Santos and Palmeiras, former midfielder Zé Roberto declared that he had not cheered the final of the Copa Libertadores between the two rivals, this Saturday, at 5:00 p.m. (from Brasilia), in Maracanã.

In a post on social networks, Zé Roberto spoke about the difficulty of choosing and showed a montage wearing both shirts.

– Tomorrow is the big day, two clubs that have marked my life and are part of my history. I confess that my heart is divided, I cannot choose a side, I cannot support only one, but I can admire and congratulate both of them for the great campaign they did. Make it a great game, the Copa Libertadores de América will be in great hands! – Wrote the ex-midfielder.

+ Learn all about Palmeiras in the final
+ Find out all about Santos in the final

Zé Roberto publishes an image with Palmeiras and Santos shirts – Photo: Playback / Instagram

Zé Roberto defended Santos between 2006 and 2007, was champion of São Paulo and semifinalist of Libertadores 2007, when the team was eliminated by Grêmio after losing 2-0 in the South and winning 3-1 in Vila Belmiro (Zé Roberto made the third Fish in that game).

For Palmeiras, between 2015 and 2017, he won a Brazilian Cup and a Brasileirão. He was also marked by a talk in the locker room where he hit his chest and said: “Palmeiras is great.” Then, retired, he became the club’s technical advisor, a position he left at the end of 2018.
