For the purpose of emergency aid, what benefits will be available to Brazilians | Rede Jornal Contabil


Emergency aid comes to an end tomorrow, although cash and transfers will continue in January 2021. Many Brazilians will be helpless in order for emergency aid, as the amounts received were to maintain their survival.

See the benefits that can help you in the future

Benefits to receive

Those who are in a vulnerable situation will be able to count on some governmental social programs that aim to help them.

Generally, government social programs require Brazilians to comply with the rules in order to access the benefit.

See some programs:

  • Federal government income distribution program
  • Continuing Payment Benefit (BPC)
  • INSS risk or programmable benefit

Those registered in the Unique Registry (CadÚnico) may be entitled to 22 benefits
There are also other benefits that can be accessed, are the social programs that use the database of the Single Registry (CadÚnico) for their release.

Those registered in CadÚnico will have 22 specific benefits

  • Retirement for low-income people;
  • Social Rate of Electricity;
  • Continuous installment payment benefit (BPC);
  • Minha Casa Minha Vida Program;
  • Elderly Card;
  • Family Bag;
  • Popular phone;
  • Exemption from payment of registration fees in public tenders;
  • Cisterns Programs;
  • Water for everybody;
  • Bolsa Verde (Program to support the conservation of the environment);
  • Drought Grant;
  • Promotion of Rural Productive Activities / Technical Assistance and Rural Extension;
  • National Agrarian Reform Program;
  • National Territorial Credit Program;
  • Installation credit;
  • ENEM;
  • Assistance services;
  • Literate Brazil Program;
  • Program for the Eradication of Child Labor (Peti);
  • Youth identity (youth identification);
  • Social Charter.

How to register in the Single Registry

People will be able to register in the Cadastro Único (CadÚnico), they should be aware, because some municipalities organize periodic visits to low-income families to include them in CadÚnico.

If your family fits the profile and can register and has not done so yet, it will be possible to register in person.

You should contact the nearest Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS). In some units it will be possible to register. In order to register the entire family, it will be necessary for one member to be responsible for providing information on the data of all members. This person (called the Head of the Family Unit – RF) will need:

  • Be part of the family, live in the same house, be at least 16 years old and preferably be a woman;
  • Present your CPF or Voter Certificate (except in the cases of indigenous and quilombolas families, who can present any of the documents below);
  • Show at least one document for each family member (it can be a birth or marriage certificate; CPF; RG; administrative birth certificate of the indigenous person, RANI; work permit; or electoral registration).

It is not necessary to present proof of residence, however, if you have proof, it will be better to present it, which will facilitate the registration.

Edited by Jorge Roberto Wrigt Cunha – journalist from Jornal Contábil
