Fleet testifies to PF and points out Eduardo Bolsonaro’s direct relationship with the spread of fake news | Politics


Congressman Alexandre Frota (PSDB-SP) presented last Tuesday (29) in a statement to the Federal Police information that would directly link Congressman Eduardo Bolsonaro (PSL-SP), son of President Jair Bolsonaro, to the scheme that spreads false content in Internet, the so-called “fake news”.

The information was released this Tuesday by the newspaper “Folha de S.Paulo”. TV Globo had access to the deposition, delivered by Frota as part of the investigation of the Federal Police that investigates the organizers and financiers of anti-democratic acts.

Until the last update of this report, TV Globo had not been able to contact Congressman Eduardo Bolsonaro.

Data would link Eduardo Bolsonaro to fake news plan

Data would link Eduardo Bolsonaro to fake news plan

According to Alexandre Frota, Eduardo Bolsonaro participated in the orientation and dissemination of the acts, some of which demanded the closure of Congress, the Supreme Court and military intervention.

According to the data presented by Frota, the computers from which the patterns of the events started are related to addresses of Eduardo Bolsonaro or his advisers.

In his testimony to the PF, Frota also mentioned the participation of another son of the president, Councilor Carlos Bolsonaro (Republicans), from Rio de Janeiro.

Asked by the PF, Deputy Frota said that the so-called “hate office” acted to incite animosity between the Armed Forces, the Supreme Court and Congress and was aimed at preventing the free exercise of powers, according to content preserved in the investigation of the Joint Parliamentary Commission. Research that investigates fake messages and virtual attacks, the so-called Fake News CPI.

The deputy said that the actions were also aimed at achieving the honor of the presidents of the Chamber of Deputies, the Federal Senate and the Supreme Court.

Asked if he is aware that said structure or the resulting actions were, in any case, aimed at trying to prevent, with the use of violence or serious threat, the free exercise of any of the powers of the Union or of the States, he replied yes, content preserved in the CPMI investigation, as an example the simulated kidnapping of Minister Gilmar Mendes [do STF] using a doll, ”says the text of the PF report on the testimony.

Still in the testimony, Frota appointed a man who would be an advisor to deputy Otoni de Paula (PSC-RJ) as one of those responsible for organizing the undemocratic act in front of the Army headquarters, in April, and for firing fireworks in towards the STF building in June. The deputy told the PF that he was looking for Otoni de Paula and, according to him, the colleague said he knew the man but denied that he was his advisor.

According to Frota told the PF, the information he provided is contained in documents prepared by the CPI for Fake News. The investigators stated that, although the testimony was collected within the scope of the investigation that investigates anti-democratic events, it will be shared with the investigation of false news, which investigates crimes and threats against ministers of the STF.
