Flamengo reaches out to families and monitors employees with Covid-19; a case shows improvement | Flemish


Monitoring with medical teams, frequent contact with families and optimism for recovery. In this way, Flamengo closely monitors the situation of its two employees affected by the coronavirus. The masseuse Jorginho, who is still waiting for the results of the tests to confirm Covid-19, is the one that generates the most concern at the moment, while Sandro Rilho presented the best clinical picture.

Jorginho, a Flamengo masseuse, is hospitalized with symptoms of Covid-19 - Photo: Alexandre Vidal / FlamengoJorginho, a Flamengo masseuse, is hospitalized with symptoms of Covid-19 - Photo: Alexandre Vidal / Flamengo

Jorginho, a Flamengo masseuse, is hospitalized with symptoms of Covid-19 – Photo: Alexandre Vidal / Flamengo

A Gávea employee, Sandro has been admitted to a hospital in Méier, in the North Zone of Rio de Janeiro, for 23 days. Taken immediately and unconscious to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), the former counselor responded to treatment in recent days, woke up and left the ventilation, without needing to be more intubated.

After the tracheostomy to help with oxygenation, Sandro uses the respirator in a few moments, he does not have a fever and he already interacts better with the medical team. The good news, in turn, does not decrease care, mainly because of kidney complications and because it is a risk group due to obesity.

Sandro Rilho shows improvement, but remains in the ICU - Photo: ReproductionSandro Rilho shows improvement, but remains in the ICU - Photo: Reproduction

Sandro Rilho shows improvement, but remains in the ICU – Photo: Reproduction

Head of the Flamengo medical department, Dr. Márcio Tanure is in constant contact with those responsible for controlling the treatment. Support for family members in both cases is due to Flamengo’s human resources department.

– The club is giving all the possible support – revealed one of the relatives of Jorge Luiz Domingos, masseuse of Rubro Negro since 1980.

At 68, Jorginho, as he is known behind the scenes, is also part of the risk group and is still at the beginning of the disease. Intubated, has been on the respirator for two days and is in a stable condition, requiring patience. All symptoms point to Covid-19, but there is still no result from the RT-PCR examination, through the nasal and throat discharge.

Flamengo gave the club employees vacations until next Friday the 24th. Those who are part of the football department are free of activities until the end of April.
