
Neighboring residents of a prdio on Airton Senna Avenue, Bairro Ponte Alta, in Betim, Belo Horizonte, were removed from the surrounding area after the five-story building it fell this Tuesday (17) and runs the risk of falling apart anytime.
ATTENTION – Neighbors of a building in Betim, in the Metropolitan Region of BH, woke up scared last night (17). Part of the land where the construction is located gave way and left the structure overturned
Wait for more information pic.twitter.com/Tv1WkAvVcH
– State of Minas (@em_com) November 18, 2020
The Fire Department was activated last night, 11:45 pm. Applicants reported that the project under construction was leaning and they heard crackles coming from the building structure.
Seven fire trucks and military police vehicles moved to the scene. Support was requested from Civil Defense and Cemig. There is still no confirmation if there is a relationship with the heavy rains that hit Grande BH in this area (17).