Fiuk opens the game and says he wants to direct Pocah to the boardwalk


After revealing that she had doubts about the indication on the wall in “BBB 21”, Fiuk told Sarah during the reality show on Rede Globo that she could put Pocah in the spotlight.

Fiuk revealed fear that the wall nominee has the power of counterattack and asked Sarah who the rapper would take the hot seat. The sister warned that Thaís is the target of her brother.

I think Thais. I’ve heard him talk about putting it on the wall several times because it’s neither there nor here.

Then the leader of the week asked Sarah about who could be removed from a wall with Thaís and Projota and the sister pointed out that the rapper could be in the public eye.

Projota. That did nothing for anyone. She doesn’t make a fuss, nor does she do anything great.

Then Fiuk opened the game he’s considering pinning Pocah on the wall for discovering his sister’s recent vote on him.

My first choice would be Pocah. For such a silly reason that he voted for me, but it’s a matter of the game, I’m afraid of Projota. Because he and Arthur are the same.

BBB: Police Cases

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After the false wall, who deserves to win the ‘BBB 21’?


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