Firearms Registrations Rise 120% in 2020, But Seizures Are Falling | Saint Paul


The number of firearm records In power collectors, snipers and hunters in Brazil more than doubled in 2020. Compared to the previous year, there was a 120% increase. This is the registration model used by sports shooters, such as the parents of the young woman who say she accidentally shot teenage Isabele Ramos, who was shot in the face at a luxury condo in Cuiabá on July 12.

The total number of weapons registered in the Federal Police system also increased, including those purchased by ordinary citizens, with no collector registration or sports practice: from 2017 to 2019 there was a 65.6% growth in active registrations.

Despite this, firearm seizures have decreased: the fall was 1.9% in the operations of the Federal Highway Police and 0.3% in the arrests made by the State Police in 2019, compared to 2018. The data are from XIV Brazilian Yearbook of Public Safety, launched this Sunday (18) by the Brazilian Forum of Public Security.

The fall in police arrests, in a context of an increase in registered weapons, shows that there was a decreased interest of the authorities in this type of operations, according to Ivan Marques, president of the International Control Arms Organization and member of the Brazilian Public Security Forum.

“As the figures show a significant increase in the records of active weapons, both for civilians and for security forces, and historically it is observed that part of these weapons migrate from the legal market to the illegal one, it is inferred that the decrease in seizures is also a sign of a reduction in interest in this type of operation ”, evaluates the specialist in the Yearbook.

In 2019, of the 105,000 weapons seized in the country, at least 6,740 fell into the illegal market. For researcher David Marques, coordinator of the project of the Brazilian Public Security Forum and doctoral student in sociology at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), the The number of legal weapons that end up on the illegal market can be even many legal gun owners do not log into the system when their equipment is stolen, stolen or lost.

According to the researcher, one of the factors that may contribute to the increase in intentional violent deaths in the first half of 2020, documented by the G1 and confirmed by the Yearbook, it is precisely the availability of firearms in the illegal market.

“The issue of violence is a multidimensional phenomenon, influenced by different factors, one of which is undoubtedly the availability of firearms. This is well proven in the scientific literature, and this is also related to this migration, because some of these legal weapons will have a useful life in the hands of criminals, they will feed the illegal market and will be used in violent crimes, such as murder and robbery ”. explains David Marques.

In the first half of this year, even with the pandemic, there was an increase in intentional deaths, according to the Violence Monitor. The Yearbook also identified the increase. There were 25,712 violent deaths from January to June, according to the publication, compared with 24,012 in the same period last year, an increase of 7%.

Two different systems bring together firearms registries in Brazil, one administered by the Army and the other by the Federal Police.

The Army is responsible for the Military Weapons Management System (Sigma), which collects data on weapons registered with the Armed Forces, state military police, the Brazilian Intelligence Agency (Abin), in addition to those used by Collectors, Snipers and Hunters. , which are called CAC.

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In the Army system there are 1,128,348 records of active firearms, according to data from August 2020. Of these, 496,172 firearms are in the CAC category, 120% more than in 2019.

Firearms registrations for collectors, snipers and hunters (CAC) in Brazil increased 120% in 2020 – Photo: Arte / G1

Another database, called Sistema Nacional de Armas (Sinarm) and controlled by the Federal Police (PF), gathers the weapons of the corporation itself and also those used by the civil police of the states, Federal Highway Police, municipal guards, of organisms like the Ministry. Public and Judicial, in addition to those acquired by any citizen who has the right to possession or possession.

In this system there was also an increase in the number of active registrations. In 2017, there were 637,972 active firearm registrations in Sinarm. In 2019, this number increased to 1,056,670, an increase of 65.6%.

The Yearbook does not provide data on the weapons registries registered by the CACs in each state of the country, but there are state numbers of registries made in the Federal Police system.

The federal unit that had the highest increase in registrations was the Federal District, with a 538% growth in active property registrations, which went from 35,693 in 2017 to 227,940 in 2019.

Firearms registrations in the Federal Police system in 2019, by state – Photo: Arte / G1

Despite the increase in the number of registered weapons, seizures have remained stable for some years in the country. In some regions, there was even a sharp drop in the rate of seizures per 100,000 inhabitants.

The most accentuated occurred in the Central-West region, which in 2016 was the champion of seizures in the country, removing 99 weapons from circulation for every one hundred thousand inhabitants. In 2019, this figure plummeted to just 32.6 per 100,000 inhabitants, placing the region as the one that least withdraws illegal weapons from circulation throughout Brazil.

Firearm seizures fell in 2019; The Midwest region had the biggest drop – Photo: Art / G1

For David Marques, coordinator of the Public Security Forum, it is necessary for society to give the security forces greater control over the illegal arms market.

“It is not natural for us that the police seize fewer weapons in a context where we have more weapons in circulation. In order for there to be a reduction in homicides, we have to demand that we have police in the states prepared to face the illegal arms market, with more investigation and intelligence, ”says Marques.

Weapon registration systems

The existence of two different systems for the registration of firearms is the object of criticism from the analysis of the Brazilian Forum of Public Security. Researcher David Marques explains that the systems are “obsolete” and do not allow comparisons and analyzes that would be necessary to better control the possession of weapons in the country.

The Yearbook criticizes the existence of two bases that, together, do not indicate exactly how many Brazilian citizens have legal firearms in the country, a question that public safety experts have been trying to answer for years.

“Federal systems cannot yet provide this basic information. It does not help the legal instability promoted by the endless decrees and changes to the ordinances published by the Federal Government as of January 2019 ”, assesses the lawyer Ivan Marques, president of the International Organization of Control Arms, in the Yearbook.

Army ignores decree to share information on weapons registration with PF

Army ignores decree to share information on weapons registration with PF

A 2004 determination establishes that the Army promotes the exchange of information with the Federal Police regarding its weapons registry, but the institution still does not comply with the regulations. In June 2019, a decree, signed by President Jair Bolsonaro, reinforced the requirement and gave a one-year deadline for the exchange to take place, but it was also breached.

According to Ivan Marques, the creation of new criteria and classifications makes it difficult to define which categories, by law or infra-legal regulation, must register their weapon in official databases.
