Filmmaker Cadu Barcellos is stabbed to death in downtown Rio


RIO – Filmmaker Cadu Barcellos, 34, was stabbed to death in downtown Rio on Wednesday morning. The crime occurred on Avenida Presidente Vargas, on the corner of Rua Uruguaiana.

He was in the place after leaving Pedra do Sal, in Santo Cristo, with a friend, who was heading to the South Zone in an application car. The filmmaker was stabbed around 3:30 a.m. He was seen yelling for help, but could not resist, having died walking a few meters and falling, according to G1. The police officers of the 5th BPM (Praça da Harmonia) were called, but they already found him on the ground.

The filmmaker leaves his wife and a 2-year-old son.

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The filmmaker Carlos Eduardo Barcellos Sabino stood out, among other productions, as director and scriptwriter of the episode “Let it fly”, which makes up the feature film “Five times favela – Ágora por nosself”, from 2010, produced by Carlos Diegues and Renata Almeida Magalhães. . The work was chosen for the Official Selection of the Cannes Festival, in the same year.

Cadu Barcellos also signed the direction and script of the series “Mais x favela”, 2011, of the cable channel Multishow, and was part of the team of the documentary “5x Pacificação”, from 2012.

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Currently, he was deputy director of Porta dos Fundos, on HBO’s “Greg News”.

Attentive to the day-to-day life of the favela, he was the creator of Maré Vive and promoted, from the age of 17, internet and audiovisual courses in various NGOs in Rio.

As a dancer, he participated in the Corpo de Dança da Maré directed by the choreographer Ivaldo Bertazzo, for 3 years, with shows that toured the country, in which he performed and danced.
