Felipe Neto and Carlinhos Maia talk after confirmation of infected at humorous party Felipe Neto and Carlinhos Maia talk after confirmation of infected at humorous party | Funny


Felipe Neto and Carlinhos Maia - Instagram Playback
Felipe Neto and Carlinhos MaiaInstagram Playback


Posted on 12/26/2020 11:12 AM | Updated 12/26/2020 11:57 AM

After giving a Christmas party in the midst of the new coronavirus pandemic, Carlinhos Maia was harshly criticized on social media by famous and anonymous people. At least two people who were at the event were infected, in addition to the 47 employees hired for the agglomeration. Who did not like the situation at all was the influencer Felipe Neto, who exchanged quills with the comedian on Twitter this Friday.

“Congratulations to everyone involved. Now multiply that number, thinking about how many people must have been infected by the people who caught the party. Does conscience weigh? I doubt it,” wrote Felipe: “If it is found that the news of the 47 infected at the festival of demons is false, I will come here to take a picture. This will not remove the irresponsibility and inhumanity of the citizen, which is commonplace and everyone knows it. Detail: he called me ‘she’ and ‘bee’ Does that offend you? ” Felipe Neto mocked about the news of infected employees, denied by Carlinhos, but still without evidence.

Carlinhos was not silent and answered Felipe. ” Demon is your c …, a plague like that who has spent his whole life speaking ill of everyone. Wrong ac … also, always judging others !! Get off my stinky feet, “the boy tweeted.

Comedian Rafinha Bastos also spoke on the subject. “This Carlinhos Maia has to end,” he said on social networks. While Felipe Castanhari, affirmed that “The world is a little worse with Carlinhos Maia”.

It should be remembered that Wesley Safadão’s ex-wife, Mileide Mihaile, and singer Laís Araújo, of the Garota Sertaneja duo, who sang at the party were contaminated by the new coronavirus at the Maia event.
