Federal Police detain R $ 600,000 on suspicion of electoral crime in Caucaia, Gran Fortaleza | 2020 elections in Ceará


Among those arrested are municipal administration secretaries and the brother of Naumi Amorim (PSD), current mayor and candidate for re-election. Cash was also seized with a public servant from Caucaia, found with R $ 3,100 this Saturday, and with the advisor of a state deputy, who had R $ 2,000 seized on Friday night (27).

Money was found in the pants of people who were taken to the police – Photo: Reproduction

In a note, the candidate Naumi’s campaign coordinator reported that “the campaign coordination awaits the result of the procedures adopted by the competent authorities and remains absolutely calm and willing to collaborate with the investigations.”

The information was confirmed by Alan Robson Alexandrino, regional delegate to combat electoral crimes of the PF, at a press conference. However, it has not confirmed which parties and candidates are linked to suspected electoral crimes. They testified and were released.

The Federal Police reported that five people were captured with R $ 600,000 – Photo: Disclosure / PF

There were three seizures in Caucaia. On Friday night (27), the advisor to a state deputy, whose name was not disclosed, was approached by the Civil Police in the Picuí neighborhood in a suspicious situation. His cell phone, campaign material and R $ 2,000 were seized. There was no arrest on the spot.

This Saturday, the Civil Police intercepted a vehicle in the Parque Potira neighborhood. According to Alexandrino, there were three people in the car with a quantity of money hidden in their clothes. In addition, mobile phones, notebooks with lists of names and campaign material were also seized. Shortly after, an investigation was carried out in a department located in the same neighborhood, where two more people were arrested.

Throughout the day there was a great movement of advisers and lawyers at the Federal Police headquarters in Fortaleza – Photo: Natinho Rodrigues

In total, the amount found with the group was around R $ 600 thousand. Among those arrested were the brother of Mayor Miguel Amorim and secretaries of the municipal administration. Still on Saturday morning a public servant from Caucaia was arrested. Along with her was found R $ 3.1 thousand, computer and campaign material.

According to the delegate responsible for the case, they were all heard and released. Most, however, chose to remain silent. According to him, all situations are considered suspicious of electoral crime. “The material is going to be analyzed. The important thing is the research work to get to the path of this money.”

The Regional Delegate for the Fight against Organized Crime of the Federal Police, Alan Robson Alexandrino, said that all were heard and released – Photo: Natinho Rodrigues
