Federal Police capture double playing ‘santinhos’ in front of the school in Presidente Prudente; watch VIDEO | 2020 Elections in Prudente and Region – SP


Two people were arrested in flagrante delicto by the Federal Police for throwing “santinhos” of candidates at dawn this Sunday (15), in Presidente Prudente (SP). Videos captured by camera-equipped drones identified the violation (look up).

As reported to G1 Federal Police, the two implicated were transferred to the Police Station. They were released after the registration of the Circumstantial Term.

The Federal Police did not reveal who the candidates supposedly benefited from the irregular advertising would be.

The electoral law allows candidates to distribute “santinhos” until the day before the election. However, the distribution of any type of material, on election day, is illegal, constituting a crime of irregular electoral campaign and environmental crime, the penalties of which are detention, from six months to a year, and imprisonment, for one to four years, respectively. rather.

The crimes are provided for in article 39, §5, II of Law 9.504 / 97 and in article 54 of Law 9.605 / 98, respectively.

The measure is one of the actions that the Federal Police is taking to combat criminal practices during the 2020 municipal elections and guarantee a safe electoral period for the population.

With a drone, the Federal Police caught a person throwing saints in front of the Fernando Costa State School, in Presidente Prudente – Photo: Reproduction / Federal Police

The Federal Police launched the Voo da Madrugada operation in various parts of Brazil, in the early hours of Sunday (15), with the aim of fighting the camp of the “santinhos” on the day of the 2020 municipal elections.

As a common practice in elections, offenders take advantage of the first hours of election day to distribute the “saints” of the candidates on the streets of the city, especially in regions close to the voting centers. The goal is to attract undecided voters who go to the polls just to fulfill their duty to vote. Therefore, these voters would use the irregularly spilled saints as “glue” to record their vote at the electronic ballot box.

In total, 13 procedures were carried out in the states of São Paulo, Acre, Roraima, Piauí and Maranhão.

More than 30 people were taken to the Federal Police Stations to provide clarifications, among them, two candidates for councilors captured distributing “santinhos” from their own campaign in Boa Vista (RR), three in Epitaciolândia (AC) and a candidate for vice president. Mayor of Cachoeiro do Itapemirim (ES).

Publicity materials were released and 30 people were arrested.

The measure is one of the actions that the Federal Police is taking to combat criminal practices during the 2020 municipal elections and guarantee a safe electoral period for the population.
