Fazenda 2020: Mariano tells Biel: ‘I screwed up ****’


Mariano and Biel tried to get it right during the “Likes” party that is on this Friday night on “A Fazenda 2020” (RecordTV). Mariano told the funkeiro: “I apologize, I was wrong. If you don’t want to forgive, that’s fine, but you can’t stay in that spirit. Don’t judge me for a mistake, for a failure.”

Biel replied: “You didn’t know I was going to come back. You spoke behind my back, I couldn’t defend myself. You said I was in hiding for 3 years. You offended me.” Then, Mariano tries to appease: “I was exalted. We were offended. I made a mistake, I assume so much, in regards to the pressure of the deal, I only thought about the game and forgot the whole context.”

The climate between Biel and Mariano warmed up last Tuesday, in the formation of the farm. Mariano was the last pawn to hit the nail on the head, accompanying Biel, Carol Narizinho and Tays Reis. Following the protocol of the program, the compatriot had to veto someone from the farmer’s test, and he vetoed Biel. The funkeiro did not accept Mariano’s justifications and explanations and the situation between the two was getting worse and worse.

Yesterday, as soon as Biel returned to the headquarters after the garden that eliminated Narizinho, Luiza Ambiel and Victória Villarim reported that Mariano spoke ill of him in the room in front of the other passers-by. “He said you’re not a man. That you didn’t learn. You did too many ugly things outside. He talked about the horrors of you. He said that the stick would go down. He said that if you were in his city they would hit you with sticks, I don’t know what” Luiza said.
