Father laments the death of his son during practice and says ‘he paid R $ 130 to die’


The father of businessman Adam Esteves Cardoso, 25, mourned the death of his son during the practice of “rope jump”, a form of high jump also known as “human pendulum”, in Minas Gerais. The accident, which the police determined to be a homicide, occurred last Saturday (3). The information is seasonal.

“Nobody wanted him to leave, his mother asked him not to jump. But he was excited, he was young, and he insisted that he knew people who had already jumped. So he left, he was happy that day, I saw the pictures before the jump. But he jumped and went straight to the ground ”, details Luiz Carlos Martins Cardoso, 54; Adam’s father.

The practice of “jump rope” is popular in Viaduto da Prainha, in the Vale do Aço mining region, where the accident occurred. Tied with ropes and wearing a helmet, the businessman launched himself into a 107-meter-high stretch, with the intention that the rope would prevent his fall and, thus, swing like a pendulum and then be slowly lowered to the ground. However, he went straight to the ground and died immediately, due to a multiple head injury.

When he landed on his feet, his body shrank with the impact. My son was devastated. I had to go there to see it with my own eyes because I didn’t want to believe it, ”remembers Adam’s father. The civil police are investigating whether there was an error in the adjustment of the lifeline, which made it too long to prevent Adam from touching the ground.

    Adam Esteves jumped from a height of almost 100 meters in MG - Personal Archive - Personal Archive

Adam Esteves jumped from a height of almost 100 meters in MG

Image: Personal archive

The businessman’s fall lasted five seconds, according to a calculation that does not know the air resistance. Under these conditions, the estimate is that a person reaches the ground at a speed of 164 km / h after launching 107 meters high. This is what the physicist Vladimir Jearim Peña Suarez, from the Museum of Astronomy and Related Sciences (Mast) said at the time.

Trauma and outrage

Nine people preceded Adam in heels on the day of the accident. The eighth was the businessman’s cousin, who accompanied him on the tour. Everything went well: after the jump, the instructors went down the rope and let the young man touch the ground. Then he waited for Adam at the landing point.

“Adam invited his cousin to go for a walk with him. You see, my son paid R $ 130.00 to die and spent another R $ 130.00 so that his cousin was traumatized,” he protested. He ended up in the hospital in shock. . Now he’s home but he can’t stop remembering what happened and crying. The two were very good friends, they grew up together ”, said Luiz Carlos.

‘Jump Rope’ X ‘Bungee Jump’

Although they are similar sports, “rope jumping” and “bungee jumping” have critical differences: the latter uses a bungee cord, while the former does not. This is what causes the person to swing like a pendulum during “jump rope” practice.

Only the “bungee jump” has a protocol registered in the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT). A is 2018. The sale of new elastic laces in Brazil has been restricted to qualified individuals only, since then.
